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Rep. Frank Kloucek Tours Old and New Districts 19

Representative Frank Kloucek is holding eight public meetings this week to get public input on issues facing the Legislature and the state. I can think of no better way for our state legislators to get ready for the session than to get out in public to hear and raise issues. Are your local legislators making this kind of effort?

Worth noting: Rep. Kloucek's tour includes old and new District 19. On Friday, Kloucek heads up Highway 81 to visit Salem. Folks there in McCook County may well get to experience the kolache campaign in 2012, thanks to the Republican redistricting that swaps out two of their three legislators.

Here's Kloucek's full itinerary:

Wednesday December 14th

Thursday December 15th

Friday December 16th

  • 2 pm Sally's Steakhouse, Salem

Saturday December 17th


  1. Charlie Johnson 2011.12.13

    This is another example of how and why Frank has been a "warrior" for the common person for years. His compasson and commitment is second to none.

  2. Amanda 2011.12.13

    I have long said that if more legislators engaged their constituents like Rep. Kloucek does we would be in a much better position. Sure, some of his ideas and bills are a bit wacky, but he goes to bat for his constituents whenever he has the chance. I wish my own Reps. would do more of that! Keep up the great work, Frank!

  3. owen 2011.12.13

    How about coming to Alexandria Frank

  4. Joe 2011.12.13

    I'm sure he will sooner or later (come to Alexadria)

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