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ObamaCare Insures 2.5 Million More Young Adults

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has delivered more positive results. Nine months after enactment of the PPACA provision allowing young people to stay on their parents' insurance coverage until age 26, the percentage of adults age 19 to 25 with health insurance increased from 64% to 73%. The CDC thus calculates that's 2.5 million more young adults with health insurance.

The first six months of 2011 also brought decreases in the number of uninsured children and uninsured adults. The biggest drop came among poor adults.

This good news brought to you by ObamaCare, one of the best achievements of the 2009-2010 Congress, and a stark contrast to the do-nothingness of the current GOP House, which has done little if anything to promote the health and economic security of regular Americans.


  1. Steve Sibson 2011.12.15

    Yes, those who are least likely to need medical care are providing premiums to the Insurance companies. That should increase their profits nicely. I am sure the monopoly capitalists are happy with ObamaCare, including the two Insurance Companies that lobbied for the passage of SB38 (ObamaCare provisions) in South Dakota last session. Big Insurance and former Governor Rounds can thank all South Dakota Democratic legislators who voted for SB38.

  2. Stan Gibilisco 2011.12.15

    "Yes, those who are least likely to need medical care are providing premiums to the Insurance companies."

    At the risk of sounding like a leftist -- isn't that exactly the intent?

    Isn't the purpose of the "80-percent rule" (80 percent of insurance companies' gross proceeds going to payment of claims) to keep the corporations from padding their portfolios with income from the premiums healthy people pay?

    I'm no fan of Obamacare. I'd rather see single-payer, properly administered, of course (a tall order).

  3. Pierreite 2011.12.15

    Amen Stan

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