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84% Dissatisfied with America’s Direction

I guess I'm not the only one who's a bit dissatisfied and requires Dakota War College's heartfelt Christmas prayers.

Gallup finds that 84% of us Americans are heading into the holidays feeling dissatisfied with the way things are going in our fair country. The number of people citing economic issues as the primary reason for their alarm (64%) remains above the past decade's average, although it is declining. Those citing "government" or "politicians" as their main beef (16%) is the highest it's been since Newt Gingrich and House Republicans squandered their midterm momentum, made wildly unpopular votes, and set the stage for a weak GOP nominee to lose to a Democratic President whom everyone had thought was on the ropes. (Sound familiar?)

Locally, Nielson Brothers Polling finds 35% of South Dakotans saying America is moving in the wrong direction. 28% say the country is going in the right direction, while a whopping 37% remain undecided. (Good grief, people! Make a choice!)

On the economic front, NBP finds 49% of the South Dakotans they polled earlier this month feel less confident in their economic situation than they did last year. 23% feel more confident; 28% feel their boat is floating about as well as it was last year. (Put me in the optimistic minority: the governor's upcoming budget is a lot less likely to put me out of work!)

So the next time some anonymous conservative blogger complains about complainers, remind him/her/it that he/she/it is talking about a big chunk—a majority nationwide—of his audience.


  1. roger elgersma 2011.12.23

    I am one of the undecideds. That does not mean that I do not have an opinion. I think there is both decidedly good and decidedly bad happening. That means there are things I do not like. So if you add the no votes to the undecideds you will get the amount that see at least some real problems.

  2. Stan Gibilisco 2011.12.23

    Well, put me in the 84 percent. I think our country is headed in the wrong direction:

    + economically, because of our politicians' disregard for fiscal responsibility;

    + politically, because of people's increasing polarization into rigid ideological camps willing to destroy the country rather than fail to get their own way in every detail;

    + socially, because of people's increasing willingness to spew venom at each other (and an apparent increase in the amount of venom available to spew), often over trivial matters;

    + morally, because of an increase in selfishness ("I ask not what I can do for my country, but what my country can do for me") and a decline in honesty;

    + spiritually, because of a general decline in people's faith and trust in almost everything and everyone.

    Have I covered it all?

    I that believe hope exists. As long as humankind hasn't torn all of its members to shreds or incinerated the planet, hope bleeds and burns eternal.

    Happy new year!

  3. Stan Gibilisco 2011.12.23

    + personally, because I cut and paste with great and ever-increasing carelessness.

  4. larry kurtz 2011.12.23

    Odd, but I think the US is going to be okay, though South Dakota is a failure.

    Now that President Obama is assured of winning a second term and that he will carry Montana this cycle, I believe we're going to make it.

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.12.24

    Stan, are humans programmed to think the present is worse than the past? I agree with some of your bullet points (plus points? cross points? :-) ), but I wonder...

    + politically, are we any more polarized than when folks shouted "Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, the continental liar from the state of Maine?"

    + socially, on spitting venom... see above!

    + morally and spiritually, are we any more dishonest and selfish than the cattle rustlers and land barons of the 1800s? Are we any more upright than Jesus's pals who denied him when the Roman soldiers came?

  6. Stan Gibilisco 2011.12.24

    Cory, here's the greatest hope of all: I could be wrong.

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