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So Can Brown Get Around? Can the Red Man Get a Jetta, Man?

Last updated on 2011.12.24

And from the Awkward Headline Department...

Integrity Ford sells to Whites -- headline, Black Hills Pioneer, 2011.12.20, p. 3

So that's how it is in Spearfish....


  1. Michael Black 2011.12.23

    What if you are a Black like me?

  2. larry kurtz 2011.12.23

    Spearditch on parade:

    Anthony D. Renli at Blogmore: "The Ledislature [sic] closes Northern and DSU, moves SDSMT to Hot Springs and Calls it the Southern Hills Institute of Technology (think about it…I’ll wait…)"

  3. Bob Mercer 2011.12.23

    Maybe the White Stripes are the house band, doing covers of Barry White? With Betty White as the opener, paying tribute to Reggie White? Can't get enough of your love, baby!

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.12.24

    Michael, you don't need a car; just upgrade that bicycle and pedal harder! Or get a tandem and let ElizaBeth do the hard cranking.

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