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Posts published in December 2011

Thune Wrong: Keystone XL Will Not Bring Economic Boost or Energy Independence

Senator John Thune stinks up yesterday's Black Hills Pioneer with bogus boosterism for the unnecessary and un-American Keystone XL pipeline. Time for corrections: After nearly three years of gathering input, holding public meetings, and an extensive review, the U.S. State…

Lora Hubbel Sees Mark of Beast in Driver’s License

South Dakota Republicans redrew our legislative districts to force Rep. Lora Hubbel (R-11/Sioux Falls) into a primary for very good reason: she keeps stinking up their party with nutty ideas. Her latest: Rep. Hubbel is writing a bill to save…

Watertown Fifth Coldest City in America

Pass the longjohns! The Daily Beast posts a slideshow (good grief, could we just have a list?) of the 25 coldest cities in America. Topping the South Dakota entries at #5 is Watertown... which in celebration of this honor will…

Governor Daugaard’s “New Norm”: He Meant What He Said

Governor Dennis Daugaard presents his budget address to the Legislature in Pierre this afternoon. I'll be at work, missing the governor's pronouncements in favor of my students' French pronunciation. At work, I'll also be facing a 5.6% increase in my…

Schwarzenegger: Renewables Deserve Level Playing Field

I suppose I shouldn't get into the habit of citing adulterous Republicans as authorities. That said, I note with some policy pleasure that Arnold Schwarzenegger agrees with me that we need to level the playing field between oil and renewable…

Medical Loss Ratio Paves Way for Single Payer? Let’s Hope So!

Mr. President, did you pull a switcheroo? Did you take single-payer off the table just to hand it to me under the table? Rick Ungar thinks so. He says the medical loss ratio provision of the Affordable Care and Patient…

TransCanada Can’t Support Claim That Keystone XL Will Go to U.S.

At Friday's House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Nebraska activist Jane Kleeb raised the common concern that Keystone XL will ship Canadian tar sands oil to the Gulf Cost for export rather than reducing American reliance on…