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Posts published in December 2011

Forest Service Working with Lawrence County to Tackle Pine Beetles

On the long-standing pine beetle problem in the Black Hills, Rep. Kristi Noem has sounded a lot like Newt Gingrich's assessment of the Occupy activists who've been harassing him in Iowa: "All noise, no thought." The U.S. Forest Service and…

Howie “Report Card” on GOP Voting Records Mostly Useless

South Dakota's right wing apparently believes the way to school the mainstream Republican Party is to put out lots of report cards. Some nameless characters issued the John Birchy "South Dakota Freedom Index" in September. The still anonymous issued…

HB 1004: Kloucek Challenges Non-Compete Clauses

Rep. Frank Kloucek wants to strengthen worker rights by promoting the free market. His House Bill 1004 (the first bill submitted for the 2012 Legislative session on a legislator's own behalf) would amend SDCL 53-9-11 reduce the permissible length of…

Strong Medicine: Russell Means Says Indian Prayer Cures Cancer

Crazy Horse shouted the battle cry, "Hoka hey!" meaning "It's a good day to die!" (Crazy Horse stole that from the Klingons.) Oglala Sioux activist Russell Means need not shout that today... but he can shout whatever he wants, in…

Howie Goes McCarthy, Implicates Governor in Legislative Ethics Scandal

It's one thing for tax cheat and conservative mischief-maker Gordon Howie to use the brewing Legislative ethics controversy to foment primary (or third-party?) challenges to legislators failing his Christian purity test. It's another to try to drag Governor Dennis Daugaard…

Readers Predict Ron Paul Win in Iowa Caucuses

The latest Madville Times poll asked you to take a break from required assembly and unwrap your prediction for the winner of next week's Iowa caucuses. Eighty of you responded (thank you, dear readers!) and prognosticated thus: Who's going to…