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Posts published in December 2011

Varilek: Noem Lets Tea Party Politics Endanger Economy

Democratic candidates for U.S. House Matt Varilek and Jeff Barth have hit the papers and the airwaves with their criticisms of Rep. Kristi Noem's vote to raise darn near every worker's taxes by $1000 (Merry Christmas from the subsidy princess!).…

Green Potpourri: Wind, Solar, Bike Power!

Lots of tabs on the browser: let's clear the green power queue! Fossil-fuel frontman Mike McDowell says wind power advocates are full of hot air. He waves his hand at vague, unnamed, unhyperlinked "greens" and environmental groups, then proves them…

Noem Rejects Compromise, Raises Your Taxes

My opposition to the two-month payroll tax cut extension isn't entirely satirical. Rep. Kristi Noem is right when she says that "making policy 60 days at a time" is a bad idea. However, by casting a vote that she knows…

Kristi Noem Avoids Public, Hides Behind Surprise Phone Calls

Rep. Kristi Noem has a lot of explaining to do, now that she's voted to raise taxes on nearly every worker in South Dakota. Don't expect her to come out and do that explaining over the holidays. She has consistently…

Gordon Howie Adds Fake Candidates to Fake Blogroll

The Gordon Howie manure spreader is in full fling. The fringe primary challenger claims on his Potemkin-village blog network that he has lined up "prospective candidates contemplating a challenge to Legislators they view as liberal/moderate Republicans" in Districts 9, 14,…

USD Med School Shows How to Reverse Brain Drain: Pay Higher Wages

Board of Regents data suggest that South Dakota continues to suffer from brain drain. But the Board of Regents understands exactly how to reverse that brain drain: increase the salaries we pay by 32%: Dr. Mary Nettleman, 55, becomes dean…

TransCanada CEO Dismisses Keystone XL Concerns as Tangents

TransCanada CEO Russ Girling is wagging his finger at folks who oppose his company's Keystone XL pipeline for talking about things he doesn't want to talk about: The one thing that has nagged me is how this debate has gone…

Noem Demonstrates Insecure Anti-Intellectualism at USD Graduation

Alas, poor December 2011 USD graduates. They hit the books, each incur about $20,000 in debt to get their degrees, and whom do they get to honor them at their commencement? Congresswoman Kristi Noem, an insecure anti-intellectual who thinks they…