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Posts published in December 2011

Ron Paul Kicks out the Ad Jams; Conan Enhances Message

Ron Paul, who surprisingly has more of a shot at winning delegates than a majority of the GOP presidential candidates*, issues this ad for his young Red-Bull-slamming libertarian parroters: Grist thinks the video "borders on self-parody." But Ron Paul…

Daugaard Budget Treads Water on K-12 Education

Governor Dennis Daugaard's budget address put Doug Wiken to sleep. I made it through the replay, but it didn't contain a lot of big waker-uppers. That's good and bad. We heard no jarring whackings of the meat ax that decimated…

Another Brilliant Idea: Surface Mining Next to Spearfish Canyon

On the heels of state approval of Wharf Resources' expanded mining near Terry Peak, state officials are now talking with Valentine Mining about gouging out another chunk of the Black Hills. Miners would like to make the Ragged Top Mountain…

Noem Dust Bill to Cost Taxpayers $10 Million

I prefer not to let my blogging be molded by party headquarters, but the South Dakota Dems notice that, in the unlikely event of its enactment, Congresswoman Kristi Noem's smokescreen anti-EPA dust bill will cost taxpayers $10 million. But don't…

Rick Perry Preaches Anti-Gay Theocracy

Holy cowpies! Tell me Rick Perry isn't spouting theocracy... and homophobia... and sheer baloney. Kids can't openly celebrate Christmas? Obama's war on religion? America isn't strong, and needs to be made strong again? I missed all three of those memos.…

Noem Ban on Imaginary Regulations Heads for House Dust-Up Thursday

I should be analyzing Governor Daugaard's budget proposal instead of chasing Republicans chasing bogeymen. (CenturyLink had an Internet outage for over six hours yesterday afternoon and evening; Steve! Fix it!) Stay tuned: I'll watch the video and offer some thoughts…