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We Are the Land: In Situ Uranium Mining Endangers Water, Horses, Black Hills

HB 1098 won't stop Canadian company Powertech from mining for uranium in the southern Black Hills; it only restores the state's authority to regulate such environmentally hazardous activities.

Watch "We Are the Land: Uranium Mining in the Black Hills," a mini-documentary by Christopher Crosby, and you may ask HB 1098's sponsors to add some amendments to stop Powertech altogether.

Dayton O. Hyde of the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary doesn't look like some extremist tree hugger. He just doesn't want his horses drinking poison water. "Once that water's gone," says Hyde, "there's no way you can clean those aquifers.... The money will go to Canada, the uranium will go to China...." Hmm... sound familiar?

One Comment

  1. Stan Gibilisco 2012.01.30

    The money will go to Canada, the uranium will go to China…. Hmm… sound familiar?

    Well, it could be worse. The uranium could go to Iran.

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