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SD Chamber of Commerce Logic: Unnecessary Incentives Necessary

Last updated on 2014.02.16

David Owen, president of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce, visits the Yankton Elks to agitate in favor of Governor Daugaard's corporate welfare policies. He tries to defend tax refunds to big companies with this comment on the revenues we surrendered to TransCanada for building the Keystone pipeline in eastern South Dakota:

Owen admitted that the TransCanada project was not the best use of incentives but still defended it.

"Keystone is not a total loss to me, but I have to concede that the pipeline was going to go where it was going to go regardless of the incentive," he said. "We gained an awful lot because of that incentive" [Nathan Johnson, "State Chamber Plans To Oppose Daugaard's Economic Development Law Referral," Yankton Press & Dakotan, 2012.03.29].

Forgive me for thinking words have meaning, but Owen appears to be saying that we gained something by giving away money to make something happen that would have happened anyway.

Aren't Romney Republicans trying to tell me that businessmen know how to spend money wisely?


  1. Michael Black 2012.03.31

    Corporate CEO's do NOT understand how to save money.

    Local businessmen that are Republican are far more frugal with their money than any Presidential candidate.

  2. Donald Pay 2012.03.31

    What they are telling us is they are welfare queens on a higher plane.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.04.01

    All welfare queens are equal, but some welfare queens are more equal than others.

    Michael, David Owen represents local businessmen, but he doesn't appear to ever have been one himself. He's much like Russ Olson, spending other's people money but never making any himself. Could that explain his above illogic?

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