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Spearfish Forum on HB 1234 Thursday 7 p.m.: Come Sign Referral Petitions!

Whoo-hoo! It's time for some referendum rumble! Petitions to refer House Bill 1234 to a public vote are in my hands; I start walking and knocking tonight. I'm also speaking at a forum on Governor Daugaard's destructive education policies at a public forum here in Spearfish Thursday evening:

Worried about K-12 Education?
Find out what the Legislature has done.

Teacher and writer Cory Allen Heidelberger will explain House Bill 1234.

Petitions to refer HB 1234 to a public vote will be available.

  • Thursday, March 22, 7 p.m.
  • Hudson Hall, 222 W. Hudson St., Spearfish

Hosted by Lawrence County Democrats
Everyone is welcome!

If you want to hear what's wrong with the Governor's plans for merit pay, ending continuing contract, and imposing more statewide standardized testing as a basis for teacher evaluations, come on down Spearfish Thursday! We'll do lots of Q&A, and I'll circulate petitions to put those bad policies to a public vote.

My friend Sandy from the South Dakota Education Association brought me petition packets and instructions last night. She's already ahead of me by twenty signatures: in twenty minutes and two stops between getting off work and coming up to Spearfish for a meeting, her neighbors filled one whole petition with signatures. She didn't need to give her full pitch; folks just said, "Is that about the Governor's bad education bill?" and boom! Signatures!

Not that I expect that signature rate to continue, but at that rate of one full petition every twenty minutes, fifty petition circulators could have HB 1234 on the ballot by the end of April without breaking a sweat.

But I intend to break some sweat. So should you. If you're in the Spearfish area and would like to sign, give me a shout, and we'll get together with a petition. If you'd like to circulate a petition or two yourself, I can send you a packet. So can your regional SDEA director.

Governor Daugaard and one too many legislators ignored online petitions (1700 signatures on Frances Linn's; 2300 signatures on mine) and overwhelming popular opposition to HB 1234. Now it's time to do something Pierre can't ignore: put HB 1234 on the November ballot and vote it down!


  1. D.E. Bishop 2012.03.20

    Give 'em hell Cory!
    I used to go to meetings in Hudson Hall back in the day when I was a member of DIA.

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.03.20

    My plan, D.E., is to fire those folks up to give the Governor and their legislators hell.

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