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Posts published in April 2012

Lawrence County GOP Candidates Forum: County Commission Candidates!

The Lawrence County Republican Party hosted a candidates forum this evening at the Spearfish Senior Citizens Center. I'm neither Republican nor senior, but party chair Mary Fitzgerald let me in anyway. Thanks, Mary! Speaking at tonight's forum were all of…

Campus Consolidation Getting Buzz Nationwide: South Dakota to Follow?

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is working on a plan to consolidate and merge some state campuses... as are numerous other states: On state university campuses across the country, the concept of consolidating campuses and academic assets has gained increasing…

Pearson Positioned to Cash in on Pro-Corporate South Dakota Education Reform

The nice folks at United Opt Out National are fighting corporate education "reform" by advocating a boycott of Pearson Education, Inc. United Opt Out National draws connections between Pearson and the pro-corporate, anti-public-education agenda of the American Legislative Exchange Council:…

Gasoline Prices Down, Obama Up… Right?

Hey, y'all remember Dan Lederman and John Thune and their SDGOP friends' braying about President Obama's clever strategy to win re-election by raising gas prices, right? Turns out that man in the White House can't even do that right: Officials…