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Hot for Donors: Thune Raises Money at Van Halen Concert

While Rep. Kristi Noem had to spend her weekend up in Bismarck boring the NDGOP convention, Senator John Thune got to dance the night away with big donors at Van Halen concert in D.C.:

Scott Brown, R-Mass., will be joining Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., at the Verizon Center on Wednesday, where both will be having fundraisers at a concert by American hard rock band Van Halen. The tickets for both events range from $1,000 to $2,500. Click here to see the details for Sen. Thune. This link leads to the information for Sen. Brown's event, which will benefit his leadership PAC, SCOTTPAC [Breanna Edwards, "This Week's Fundraisers: Breakfasts, Lunches, Receptions, Comedy and Concerts," Sunlight Foundation: Party Time, 2012.03.23].

O.K., o.k., I give in: if Thune digs Van Halen (not Van Hagar, but Van Halen, man!), I might jump at the chance to vote for him for VP.

Tickets to spend the night runnin' with GOP devils were $1000 per person, $1500 per PAC. Heck, for that price, you could have just flown to Panama.


  1. TCMack 2012.04.05

    I think Sen. Thune just likes going to concerts. When Taylor Swift was in D.C., I read another article where Sen. Thune held a similar fundraiser.

  2. larry kurtz 2012.04.05

    The Thune veep dealio makes some sense: he's a theocon, a career politician with deep ties to deep pockets, DD would appoint a theocon to finish his term although Thune needn't resign from the Senate to run, and Romney needs credibility among earth haters because Mitt has little.

  3. Charlie Hoffman 2012.04.05

    Larry Kurtz could you please explain what a "theocon" actually is?

    CH; the Solyndra fundraiser for Obama cost $25,000 PER PERSON to attend after Solyndra took $500,000,000 from the Obama administration in the form of a short term loan and then filing bankruptcy. ((Am I the only idiot who thinks this smells highly of corruption?))

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