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Montana, 22 Other States Fight Citizens United; South Dakota on Sidelines

Montana is fighting the Supreme Court's logic-defying Citizens United in a lawsuit filed by a corporation, not a person, that wants to maintain its right to interfere in Montana state elections with unlimited and anonymous campaign donations. Twenty-two states have signed on to back Montana:

Montana and the other states are asking the court to either let the Montana Supreme Court decision stand or to hold a full hearing. They argue laws like the one in Montana that bans political spending straight from corporate treasuries are needed to prevent corruption.

The other states, many with their own type of restrictions hanging in the balance, argue local restrictions are far different than the federal ban the court decided unconstitutionally restricted free speech. Further, state elections are at much greater risk than federal elections of being dominated by corporate money, requiring tailored regulation, the states' court filing says.

"The federal law struck down in Citizens United applied only to elections for President and U.S. Congress," New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman wrote on behalf of the states. "By contrast, Montana's law applies to a wide range of state and local offices, including judgeships and law enforcement positions such as sheriff and county prosecutor."

The joining states, unlike Montana, ask the court to go further and reconsider core findings in Citizens United. They argue, for instance, it was wrong for the court to say unlimited independent expenditures rarely cause corruption or the appearance of corruption [Matt Gouras, "22 States Join Campaign Finance Fight," AP via Idaho Statesman, 2012.05.20].

South Dakota, alas, is not party to this suit. We're too busy protecting corporations' ability to take away our health insurance to keep them from also taking away our democracy. States rights only matter to Marty Jackley and Dennis Daugaard when they serve the plutocracy.


  1. larry kurtz 2012.05.21

    Well, it's not like those of us on the Left have much respect for Dem gubernatorial candidate, AG Steve Bullock: he has sold out on both SSM and MMJ.

    While we're going to be stuck voting for him in the General, we radicals are supporting Heather Margolis in the primary.

  2. Steve Sibson 2012.05.21

    "States rights only matter to Marty Jackley and Dennis Daugaard when they serve the plutocracy."

    ObamaCare dues support the Insurance and Health Care plutocracies. The lawsuit is just political theatre making conservatives think that the GOP establishment is on their side.

  3. LK 2012.05.21

    What's the over/under on the number of Super Pacs or Stealth Pacs that will be supporting Daugaard as compared to his Democratic opponent in the next cycle?

    Politicians in a single party state are very good at looking out for number one.

  4. larry kurtz 2012.05.21

    It should be noted that Montana is not party to the ACA lawsuit brought by earth hater AGs like Jackley.

  5. grudznick 2012.05.21

    We do need to challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of individuals, and while I live not in the Treasure State I hope that those of you who do will not support this young Mr. Bullocks fellow.

  6. Owen Reitzel 2012.05.21

    "South Dakota, alas, is not party to this suit. We’re too busy protecting corporations’ ability to take away our health insurance to keep them from also taking away our democracy. States rights only matter to Marty Jackley and Dennis Daugaard when they serve the plutocracy."

    I think you can also add anything that the President tries to do. The Citizens United ruling will affect our election process for generations until its reversed.

    In contrast the Governor and the Attorney General want to take health care away fo thousands of South Dakotans.

    This shows everybody where their priorities are. Which is to the haves and not to the have nots

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