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Let’s Put Gary Coe and Alan Simpson in a Room…

District 31 Republican House candidate Gary Coe says "I have no compromise in my life whatsoever."

What does straight-talker and former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson think of such politicians?

...If you want to be in politics, you learn to compromise. ... Show me a guy who won't compromise and I'll show you a guy with rock for brains" [Alan Simpson, quoted on Fareed Zakaria GPS, 2012.05.25].

Gary Coe: rock hard!


  1. Vickie 2012.05.27

    OooooH Cage fight!!!

    Seriously though,all sides can't have everything their way. Sheesh. A little common sense and compromise would probably get far more accomplished. No one says that one side has to totally cave to another. Work together as a team for the betterment of the entire state and nation. It's a pretty fascinating concept. They should google least.

  2. Owen Reitzel 2012.05.27

    i agree Cory.
    But it is fun to see Republicans eat their own. :)

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