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Pastor Criticizes Conservative Christian Blog: Hickey Too Hot for Howie to Handle

In minor blogging news, I note with pleasure that Pastor Steve Hickey agrees with me that Gordon Howie's approach to blogging isn't as consistently Christian as he pretends it is. I note with surprise that Howie finds Pastor Hickey's criticism more provocative and offensive than mine.

Review yesterday's mostly empty "Nasty Bloggers" post from Howie. Note that below it are two approved comments, one from me, one from Bob Ellis:

Ellis and Heidelberger comments on Right Side, 2012.06.27

Ellis offers the usual vacuous hosannas; I criticize Howie's failure to link to examples of the online trash he self-righteously decries. A day later, Howie has offered no response, but for once he allows one of my criticisms through his filter.

But Pastor Hickey submitted a criticism before I did, and his comment is nowhere to be seen. What did he say that was more offensive than my jibe?

Steve Hickey, blocked comment, Right Side, 2012.06.27

"What I smell is the spirit of the Sadducees, not the Spirit of Jesus." Uff da. Atheist fire is nothing like the heat Pastor Hickey can bring to conservatives who cloak their political agenda and personal attacks in misunderstood Christianity.


  1. larry kurtz 2012.06.28

    protestant on protestant violence: priceless....

  2. Steve Sibson 2012.06.28

    "Pastor Hickey can bring to conservatives who cloak their political agenda and personal attacks in misunderstood Christianity."

    I rebutted Hickey's position with two Bible versions and he bails out. Hickey is gaining brownie points with the SDGOP establishment by attacking the conservative moment, enough to give him the confidence to seek leadership. Unfortunately, he will not be the one to unite conservatives and RINOs. The uniting has to be Democrats with conservatives if the people are to be represetned again in the South Dakota legislature. Cory you are messing that up.

  3. Roger Elgersma 2012.06.28

    A Christian can blow off an atheist and visa versa with not much pain. But a Christian who knows his Bible well can point out the misguided Christian in a way that hits home.
    Then when we get a various views on both politics and Christianity we get a mix that needs thoughtful discussion to work out. The nonChristians are just as much citizens so their points of view are needed also for real democracy.
    Blogs are a good thing since these groups would otherwise have their discussions by themselves with not seeing the whole spectrum of ideas. It does stay interesting.
    But without the discussions we would all stay in our own little worlds a lot easier.

  4. grudznick 2012.06.28

    Mr. Sibson. I think you are reading the bible wrong. Try again.

  5. D.E. Bishop 2012.06.28

    Grudz, that's the only way Sibson reads it.

  6. Steve Sibson 2012.06.29

    Then you two provide your read. I "quoted" from the NIV version.

  7. larry kurtz 2012.09.18

    Hickey: we know you're out there. What are you going to do about this piece from Cody Winchester and its intersection with incarceration rates in the state?

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