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Zolnowsky Gets Big Promotion to State Chief Information Officer

Holy Promotion, Batman! The Big Z is headed to work for Double-D!

Gov. Dennis Daugaard announced today that he will appoint David Zolnowsky of Madison, South Dakota, to be the next Commissioner of the state Bureau of Information and Telecommunications (BIT).

Zolnowsky is the Director of Computing Services and Chief Information Officer for Dakota State University, a position he has held since 1985. In that role, he led management of Dakota State's computing infrastructure to stay on the cutting edge of technology education. He has also worked closely with BIT in administering the K-12 Data Center, which provides information technology and email services to K-12 schools, state government, and state universities [Governor's office, press release, 2012.07.03].

My Herman township neighbor worked for the state in Pierre from 1973 to 1985. As he returns to the seat of our democracy, he'll do a fine job rooting out the bugs and serving as South Dakota's chief information officer. Go get 'em, Z!


  1. Carter 2012.07.05

    Maybe he'll manage to get 100 Mbps-providing ISPs everywhere in South Dakota, somehow. I mean, there's got to be a reason that, while he was at DSU, the tiny town of Madison somehow managed to get two ISPs that blow almost every national ISP out of the water. Knology can't even compete in Madison, internet speed wise, and they offer speeds twice as fast as Centurylink and Comcast.

    Here's hoping South Dakota will make some list of "best places for internet in the United States".

  2. Jana 2012.07.05

    Good for him!

    And while the riders of the right wing crazy train want to bitch about public employee salaries...they should take some time to see what a CIO of a billion dollar company makes and then say thank you to Mr. Zolnowsky for his commitment to public service.

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