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Senator Olson Sponsors DSU Foundation Gala

Senator Russell Olson, R-8/Wentworth
What? You're using my money for education? I thought I was just buying the beer....

Ah, the mingling of interests. The Dakota State University Foundation held its fundraising gala Friday night. The primary sponsors: State Senator Russell Olson and his lovely wife Jennie.

Now I suppose there's nothing wrong with referring to Senator Olson by his official government title in a fundraising announcement. There's nothing wrong with pointing out what a great philanthropist the Senate Majority Leader is. There is probably nothing wrong with a non-profit organization, whose CEO and treasurer are by by-laws state employees, allowing a partisan political candidate to use their fundraising event for positive personal publicity.

There's no problem here, because everybody recognizes there is absolutely no connection between a Republican's ability to write a really big check from his personal treasure chest to support a school in his voting district and his ability to craft good legislation to promote education across South Dakota.

I thus look forward to next year's DSU Foundation Gala, sponsored by your friendly, philanthropic neighbors, the Lake County Democrats.


  1. larry kurtz 2012.07.15

    eesh: what a homely guy Olson is but then all white people look the same to me, i guess.

  2. lorahubbel 2012.07.15

    DSU, oh...that's the place that houses our Health Care Exchange (the one we don't have, remember?). That's the place that got over $6million in Stimulus money to start the HIE (Health Information Exchange) ...something that an Exchange cannot exist without. On their web site they have a report saying for SD to meet Bureacrat Controlled Health Care ideals...SD must get rid of some of her privacy laws. No wonder they need a legislature around to make sure the Exchange (the one we don't have) is successful.....

  3. Dougal 2012.07.15

    Maybe ol' baldy was the only celeb to come from Madison. Maybe there were no other celebs from Madison willing to help the Foundation. Maybe other celebs from Madison don't want to be seen on the same billing as Olson. Maybe Ole is going rogue from the anti-education crusaders in his caucus and is willing to be seen publicly advocating a state college (socialism?). Or maybe he's a cheap opportunist in an election year and coerced the Foundation to make him a hero for one night.

    When the County Democrats host the Gala next year, at least they won't have to choke on ideological hypocrisy. By the way, who made this poor selection in an election year?

  4. Stan Adelstein 2012.07.15

    I'm sort of disappointed when a fine person, someone that has been chosen by his peers to be the Majority Leader of his party in Senate is panned because of the R in front of his name.

    Russ Olson does more than most to achieve development in your end of the State. Unlike some previous leaders he encourages open discussion and expression of ideas with respect and consideration in the Republican Caucus.

    He is always seeking to increase educational opportunities - even if he does support an EEs Triver college.

    If he takes the time to go out in a beastly hot summer night to promote a very successful Foundation program -- just say "thanks for coming, Senator" (That is his title, he earned it when his district chose to honor him with election -- in a free country!!)

    Stan Adelstein

  5. grudznick 2012.07.15

    Indeed, Mr. A. Indeed.

  6. Dougal 2012.07.15

    Should he help promote the Foundation? Sure. That's swell. Lots of people and DSU alumni promote it.

    Should he support the Foundation? Sure. Ole, write a fat check. Great!

    Should the Foundation promote the Senator when he's on the ballot in a few months? Hell no. The Foundation is a 501 c3 using its standing in the community to promote a politician up for election a few months out from Election Day.

    That shows poor taste on the part of the Foundation. And while the Senator wants votes, a more prudent and ethical position (which escaped the Foundation's thinking) would be to back off for obvious reasons.

    Now, Stan, if you were to hold your own fundraiser for the School of Mines Foundation downtown at Prairie's Edge, people would and should come and donate. I'd slip on a pair of pants and my Sketchers to drop over and leave a check after sipping some cheap but chilled Chardonnay and shaking your hand. That's because it's your event, not the state-funded college's event.

    But if the SM&T had the poor judgment to promote you as the host of their Summer Gala a few months ahead of your re-election, both of you would deserve a severe whipping with a wet noodle for being so obtuse.

    What's more important, your personal political agenda or the Foundation's goal of funding the education of young minds at a state government-funded college so close to an election? Got it?

    My point is Senator Olson should have a more ethical sense of loyalty at a state-sponsored event in his own district than his personal political agenda. I think it's a pretty clear cut case of conflict of interest ... and in politics -- an easily perceived conflict. The Foundation's reputation, not Ole's personal politcal agenda (our friend BJ loved using that phrase), is far more important.

  7. Michael Black 2012.07.15

    I personally will not involve myself in taking the lead in any public initiative because of posts like this. I'll gladly do support work, but I won't draw a target on my back. I can tell you that I am not alone.

  8. Dougal 2012.07.15

    Will somebody please report how much Ole's check will be? He's getting a lot of great publicity, thanks to your taxes, out of this. If it's less than five figures (in front of the decimal point), then that would be so trite.

    Pony up, soldier!

  9. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.07.15

    Senator Adelstein, Senator Olson celebrated last year's cuts to education. He has consistently said one thing at home to educators (while bringing them donuts), then gone to Pierre and been a yes-man for two Governors' neglect or outright damage to education, especially HB 1234. Senator Olson's contributions to economic development come only because he gets his photo taken handing out other people's money. He is an example of patronage and corporate entitlement mindset. I have nothing for which to thank him.

  10. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.07.15

    Toughen up, Michael. Plus, you're not using an event at a state institution to promote your political career.

  11. Charlie Hoffman 2012.07.15

    Hey Dougal you lost me at baldy. You are a schmuck for using a guy's body condition as a negative connotation against him and are just furious that BJ has not given you any better ammunition than this. Laughable at best but seriously doesn't the Democratic party have anyone who can come up with better deterrents to Republican candidates than this.

  12. grudznick 2012.07.15

    Indeed, Mr. Black. Indeed.

  13. Michael Black 2012.07.15

    I could well be accused of promoting my own business just as you are looking for conflicts of interest with Senator Olson. Rather than toughening up, it is far easier not to be involved in the first place.

  14. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.07.15

    That's your choice, Michael. In Olson's case I see both pandering and contradiction, given his failure to really champion education in the Legislature.

    Please note that I do not consider Russ's hairline's resemblance to my own relevant to his yes-mannery or ineffective public policy-making.

  15. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.07.15

    Lora, if you're really worried about all that creeping socialism your Senate Majority Leader is promoting, get your people to send some flyers to District 8 to help turn Olson out of office!

  16. Michael Black 2012.07.15

    His skin must be far thicker than mine. I would take the criticism over sponsoring the DSU Gala personally.

  17. Dougal 2012.07.15

    What is a Charlie Hoffman? Oh, wait, he's lapping up the attention he gets from his wife's celebrity from being on a TV reality show. Right?

    I got a great idea. Maybe Senator Hoffbrow can feature his celebrity wife as the featured host of the Foundation event. She matters to people and she can get the money. And she doesn't have a conflict of interest. Maybe Senator Hoffbrow can understand that. Yes? No? Don't understand?

  18. Joseph G Thompson 2012.07.16

    Would you object if DSU had President Obama as a sponsor of their Gala and referred to him as President, just before an election?

  19. Charlie Hoffman 2012.07.16

    Hey Dougal if you find my wife speaking somewhere go listen to her. She will change your attitude about life. Then if you turn on KELO in the morning you can watch my son Austin or turn on KETV in Omaha and you can watch my middle daughter give live traffic reports there every morning. My youngest daughter gets her White Coat at USD Medical school on July 28th.

    Obviously Charlie Hoffman is the low man on the Hoffman totem pole.

  20. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.07.16

    Joseph, I'd wonder what brought him here, and I'd wonder if his philanthropy was consistent with his policy.

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