Last updated on 2013.06.19
Pat Powers uses my absence in Paris to sneak back into the South Dakota blogosphere. Powers, freshly resigned from the attorney-general-excused but integrity-challenged Secretary of State's office, uses his re-naugural (??) post to break his GOP-front blog's awkward silence about the multi-faceted scandals making his pal and former boss Secretary Jason Gant one of the biggest political news stories of the summer.
But in classic Powers/GOP style, he addresses it dismissively, dodgingly, tangentially:
I think the clincher was when, in the midst of all the political nonsense that cropped up recently, I took the first husband-wife vacation with my wife that I'd taken in over 20 years of marriage.
Maybe not as exciting as some of the ridiculous chatter on the internet (or sensationalized stories in some of South Dakota's papers) would have you believe [Pat Powers, "Be Careful What You Wish For...," Dakota War College, 2012.07.22].
Jason Gant is the elephant in the GOP room, and Powers doesn't mention the man's name. It's clear Pat's taking the Fifth. He's decided the best strategy for himself if not the party is to mutter, "Ridiculous Nonsense!" and hope that everyone will just focus on what nice family people these Republicans instead of what bumbling they commit on our dime in our Capitol.
O.K. Fine.
Pat's two subsequent posts return to typical War College form, touting horse-race politics instead of focusing on Congresswoman Noem's atrocious unconservative record and showing Dan Lederman with a big fish.
I'll say this: you have to admire Pat for returning to the blogospheric fray when the Republicans for whom he fronts give him so little to work with.
Hope you had a great trip!
Sure did, thanks! Nothing like coming home to the warm welcome of Pat Powers to kick around again.
Ying means more when there is yang. Glad to see you have a more worthy competition.
And welcome back to the USA. It was hot while you were gone so I guess you aren't the source of the hot air. :)
I noticed Powers said he sold his blog. Who exactly did he sell it to? And who would pay him for such a blog? I couldn't follow his writing to understand if he bought it back or if he is blogging for someone else right now.
"Finally sold SDWC after several months of negotiations. Ended up quitting my job. Moved home…and now I’m back writing at SDWC again. How does that work?"
Smut peddler Powers is already deleting comments.
Lederman's Israel is bombing Gaza...again.
Powers features a photo of Zionist Lederman holding a fish contaminated with neurotoxins and presenting it as a reason to visit the chemical toilet.