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Madville Times Represents South Dakota Left Wing on National Aggregator

Last updated on 2012.11.12

In housekeeping notes, Politics in Stereo is working on creating news feeds for each state that feature left, right, and non-partisan/mainstream press blogs side-by-side. They syndicate content from 19 states so far.

Their choice for South Dakota's voice from the left: Madville Times. Thanks, Politics in Stereo! And thank you, readers, for keeping things lively here.

David Montgomery's new Political Smokeout makes the cut for the "non-partisan" blog... though Pat Powers will tell you Montgomery is just a Democrat tool.

Speaking of Pat, he must not have returned Politics in Stereo's call yet. The Politics in Stereo feed has not yet added a right-wing voice... likely, I would guess, because right-wing blogs in South Dakota mostly recycle national-level talk radio talking points, at the expense of serious South Dakota-specific content.

I recommend Politics in Stereo go with Dr. Blanchard's fine efforts at South Dakota Politics, even though he deals much more with national than local politics. Dr. Blanchard at least provokes thought about important issues.

If you have a better suggestion, don't just tell me; tell Politics in Stereo!


  1. Justin 2012.07.23

    If the Argus Leader is the best example of nonpartisan journalism in the state I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.07.23

    I prefer to distinguish the across-the-board journalism in that Sioux Falls paper from the blogging Mr. Montgomery shares with us. In all of his blog efforts, Montgomery has done a great job of providing detailed analysis backed with useful data.

  3. Justin 2012.07.23

    Mostly looking for a reason to post that, I'm sure they will be able to find another conservative voice in SD.

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.07.23

    I'm not so sure about the availability of another voice, Justin. A Pat powered-DWC might fit the bill. Dr. Blanchard has better intellect and verbal skills, but he leans to national coverage. Joel Rosenthal writes great South Dakota stuff from decades of player knowledge, but writes too infrequently. Sibby's nuts. Gordon, Ed, and Bob blog poorly, unoriginally, and too regurgitatively nationally.

    But what say you, readers? Where do you go for regular, high-quality conservative commentary focused on South Dakota?

  5. Rorschach 2012.07.24

    Dakota War college used to be my regular righty read before it dried up and blew away (long before the drought). But PP is back and using his own initials. There may be postings worth reading again.

  6. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.07.24

    Powers could convince us he's ready to do some serious blogging by offering open comment on the Gant scandal. Until then, we must view him as a hamstrung party tool. Blanchard and Sibby at least are not beholden to any such higher powers.

  7. Steve Sibson 2012.07.24

    "Sibby‘s nuts"

    That how is how Kool Aid drinking political hacks on both sides of the fake political divide view the truth sayers. How many of you have the ability and courage to point out the extra $144 million in General Fund revenue during the 2012 fiscal year? We have the Mitchell paper handing out glory to the governor for a $48 million surplus and even Hunhoff paints the governor as frugal. It takes a real nutcase to say: $144 million in additional revenue less $48 million in added reserves equals $96 million in additional spending. What wrong with saying that Cory? It may hurt your chances to pass a 25% increase in the sales tax rate?

  8. Justin 2012.07.24

    I guess I never saw that, there is something useful in challenging the clotheless almighty in Pierre. The Argus has had all kinds of access and never asked a tough question.

    I did see about five straight comments you made here in the gun control thread simply saying "how long does it take planned parenthood to kill 12 babies?"

    I'm not going to vote against you though, that seems representative, if somewhat diminished.

    but there is Ed who is "nationally syndicated" so you've got a big following there to drive eyeballs, hard to beat that.

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