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Noem Gives No Message on Agriculture; Varilek Issues Position Paper

Last updated on 2012.07.30

South Dakota Democrats are coordinating an attack on what ought to be Rep. Kristi Noem's major strength: her farm cred.

First party chief Ben Nesselhuf holds his nose to take a look at Noem's campaign website and finds Ag Committee member Noem has no statement on agriculture. South Dakota Senate minority leader Jason Frerichs found the same absence of ag policy statements on Noem's campaign website two years ago. As I said then, given Noem's eagerness to run as the cutest little farm girl this side of the Missouri, her inability to articulate clear agricultural policy is particularly egregious.

Meanwhile, challenger Matt Varilek, who doesn't look half as cute putting on a checked shirt and throwing his leg over a horse, wallops the web with a new, detailed position paper on agriculture. He reminds us of Noem's failure to speak up for South Dakota on House Ag, as well as "her hypocrisy in her desire to cut so many programs that affect other South Dakotans, such as Medicare for seniors and Pell Grants for college students, but not the ones she has personally benefited from" [links mine, not Matt's].

Rep. Noem crusades against fairy-tale dust regulations, but she's allergic to the nitty gritty of agriculture policy. Varilek says more on ag policy in one webpage than Noem has put on the record in a year and a half in Washington. Among Varilek's policy points:

  • Target the farm safety net to "family-scale farms" and cap subsidies for operations making big money.
  • Stop weakening country-of-origin labeling rules.
  • Ban packer ownership of livestock.
  • Implement the GIPSA rule.
  • Fully fund conservation programs (CRP, CSP, EQIP) to check market pressures to cultivate every acre.
  • Restore funding for rural development programs like the Value Added Producer Grants Program, Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program, and the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (which Noem voted to cut last year).
  • Defend SNAP/food stamps from the drastic Ryan budget cuts. Varilek doesn't say no cuts; he just says not the block-grant-conversion madness that Noem supports because the boss tells her to.

Vote for Noem, and you get a nice lady who flies home every weekend to ride her horsies. Vote for Varilek, and you get a Congressman who makes South Dakota's policy priorities clear.


  1. Rorschach 2012.07.11

    Noem is an empty suit. A walking GOP talking point with no substance. She doesn't even show up for work unless she's being pushed in front of a news camera. She is the epitome of a showhorse.

  2. mike 2012.07.11

    Varilek looks really impressive on these issues. Noem is getting to be an embarassment to SD. John Thune she aint.

  3. Dougal 2012.07.11

    Hey, but she voted 33 times to repeal Obamacare and she got the same result 33 times. Yeah! You go girl! Way to blow two years that should have been used to help the middle class recover from the Great Recession! Hooah!

  4. Douglas Wiken 2012.07.12

    Every dollar more that Noem gets from big contributors should mean more votes for Varilek instead of fewer. The unrich should be catching on that politicians raking in huge contributions from the very rich and connected are not going to actually do one thing of significance to help the unrich and poorly connected.

  5. larry kurtz 2012.07.12

    Noem gets caught supporting invasive species like Chinese Ring-necked Pheasant: EWG.

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