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Noem? Forget About It, Y’All! Time fo’ a Caption Contest!

Last updated on 2013.01.06

As taken in Sioux Falls earlier this summer, we have a Tennessee Resident who has a thing for Republican Congressional candidate Kristi Noem:

Photo of Tennessee auto with Kristi Noem bumper sticker in Sioux Falls

Time for a caption contest! Put your best caption into the comment section, and as judged by me, you will win... well, because I'm a socialist infiltrator, you'll all be winners... and you'll all enjoy the chance to turn to Dakota War College and ask, "What was your point, Pat?"

That's the second time this week a silly GOP attempt to tar local Democrats with the "out-of-state" brush has blown up in Pat Powers's face. I would think a good South Dakotan like Pat would want to help newcomers to our state feel welcome instead of perpetuating the backwoods "y'all ain't one of us, are ya?" attitude. Better quit while you're behind, Pat!


  1. Chris Francis 2012.08.03

    After successfully masking with the native population of Sioux Falls with the quick 'Noem' adaptation, it was the unexpected loss of Gigglebees from the environment that further hindered all efforts to 'localize' the subject.

  2. G-Man 2012.08.03

    Hey, Tennessee: YOU CAN HAVE HER!

  3. Bill Fleming 2012.08.03

    And a Honda at that! How un-American! At least the New York guy for Verilek was driving a Chevy. (Oh wait, I myself drive a Honda... never mind.)

  4. Rachel 2012.08.03

    This is obviously a case of mistaken identity. Those are University of Tennessee colors people (speaking as an alum). Why they might choose 'KRISTI' is hard to discern, but I'm pretty sure it's more to do with the orange and white.

  5. Rocky Top 2012.08.03

    Nope. That is a Kristi Noem bumper sticker...saw it with my own 2 eyes. LOL, nice try though Rachel.

  6. Vincent Gormley 2012.08.03

    I agree with G-Man. And my Honda is held together with bumper stickers. It drives people in my neighborhood to attacking it at night. Smashing a pumpkin last fall, hitting my door last December. The dents and dings just add character. We all express ourselves in different sometimes unique ways. But Republicans have anger issues. Look out when they vent.

  7. PrairieLady 2012.08.03

    "Kristi, farm subsidies? Sign me up."

  8. Mark 2012.08.03

    Rachel, I believe the driver is a Noem Volunteer...

  9. Justin 2012.08.03

    Further proof that Noem is and always was elected by out of state donors.

  10. John Hess 2012.08.03

    No, replace Kristi with Sarah.

  11. Stan Gibilisco 2012.08.03

    Probably a South Dakotan who recently moved to Tennessee and has come back to visit friends or relatives.

  12. Vincent Gormley 2012.08.03

    S Claus?

  13. Ed Randazzo 2012.08.04

    Cory, "Another Volunteer for Kristi" wins it.
    BTW, how is Varilek going to get any votes if even his own supporters can't spell his name?
    I'm sure that we can find an Illinois vehicle with an "Obamilek" bumper sticker somewhere.

  14. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.08.04

    Oh, how I love the smell of Ed's irrelevant sputtering in the morning. Much like Pat's.

  15. Ed Randazzo 2012.08.04

    Glad to make your day.....but there was no need to insult me personally by comparing me to Pat. That's way overkill.

  16. Ed Randazzo 2012.08.04

    Once again, no reaction as to content. Only personal attack is your specialty. But when you have nothing substantive to offer .......

  17. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.08.04

    "no reaction to content"—exactly, because as seems to be the case with every effort conservatives make to defend Kristi Noem, they have no content to work with. Pat's attack on the Varilek supporter with the NY plates falls flat because Team Noem as the same sort of out-of-state supporters, just as with her bigger out-of-state PAC money. Conservatives are reduced to whining about personal attacks... when in fact I offered no personal attack; I said Ed's comments were irrelevant to the topic... and his comments continue in that vein, as he desperately wishes we'd talk about how mean I am or anything else rather than how ineffective Noem is.

  18. larry kurtz 2012.08.04

    Kristi: Modernist Infiltrator, Local Fun.

  19. LK 2012.08.04

    I suppose combining Obama and Varilek might be crude political point. It's probably overshadowed by the fact that the combining Noem and Boehner produces a crude joke.

  20. LK 2012.08.04

    Didn't see Larry's acronym generator at work before I hit publish

  21. larry kurtz 2012.08.04

    Kristi: Mistaken Insult, Luring Farmers

  22. Ed Randazzo 2012.08.04

    Cory, You asked for captions. I gave you a entry for your contest. But alas, you didn't like it so you reach into your sack of "change the subject," and snap off a comment about me, not what I wrote. Cute the way you play to your following of clever Alinskis. I wasn't "defending Kristi," I was providing an entry in your "contest."

    My reference to personal attack was a joke (comparing me to Powers). But since you are sooooo defensive about any criticism, you want to "change the subject" again. Do I have to explain everything to you in simple words you can understand?

    BTW, Tennessee is known as the "Volunteer State."

    For a pedagog, you sure don't have developed reading comprehension skills. You sure do think and write better when you're in Spearfish.

    I can, however, understand your sensitivity though. You're having to back a Congressional candidate who has no chance of winning.

  23. larry kurtz 2012.08.04

    Matt Varilek is a straighter arrow than even you, Randazzo: and far more virtuous than his opponent is.

    Noem is more vulnerable than you can imagine, Ed: watch and learn.

  24. Dave 2012.08.04

    Yes, Ed. You gave Cory a caption. But why did you feel it necessary to throw in a couple insulting statements with it?

  25. Vincent Gormley 2012.08.04

    Matt Varilek is also coherent and honest. Noem and Randazzo? Nah! Dems are not perfect but they are also not nuts.

  26. Justin 2012.08.04

    Keep talking and posting Ed. I don't even care what you say. Every thought that emanates from you serves to further discredit SD conservatives, and we thank you for the help!

  27. Ed Randazzo 2012.08.04

    Dave, When and where has Cory replied to my comments without throwing "in a couple insulting statements with it?" (sic) It's Cory's modus operandi......I thought maybe I should fire the first shot today.

    Cory must be busy today so I guess he left you, Vincent and Justin in charge of the collective farm, huh?

  28. larry kurtz 2012.08.04

    Kristi Noem: keeping America safe for fat white millionaires.

  29. Vincent Gormley 2012.08.04

    I think Larry nailed it.

  30. Rorschach 2012.08.07

    My caption: You say you wanna Cork 'er, Bob?

  31. Rorschach 2012.08.07

    Revised caption: I know you wanna cork 'er, Bob, but now you've gone too far.

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