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Should We Promote Water-Intensive Beef Industry During Drought?

Last updated on 2013.07.09

Rep. Kristi Noem says passing the farm bill is "a national security issue." She thinks socializing the risk in ranching is more important than long-term conservation practices.

So let's do some equal time: the Center for Investigative Reporting says cows are a major threat to the environment. Modern beef production puts out a lot of greenhouse gases, in large part because cows don't digest corn nearly as well as they digest grass. The burgers we love also use up a lot of water and land. Just the beef in the one third-pound burger I ate out at the Hillside last weekend took 600 gallons of water to produce.

Such figures make me wonder: should we bail out the beef industry in the middle of a drought when the beef industry takes such an inordinate dip from our water supply?

Here's the CIR's video on the Hidden Cost of Hamburger:

This report is no vegan screed; the nice CIR folks simply point out the environmental savings we could enjoy by reducing our beef intake, not cutting it completely from our diets. But I know: we can't even promote fruits and veggies for one day a week without provoking some folks to pig out... and cow out.


  1. Douglas Wiken 2012.08.03

    There are millions of acres of grass good for nothing more than raising cattle.

    I wish the media was as interested in regularly showing the true cost of a gallon of gasoline when all the military costs are added in. You think it might have something to do with who does and does not advertise?

  2. larry kurtz 2012.08.03

    Upper Higgins Gulch reeks of domestic hormone and antibiotic-laced livestock wallowing in sensitive head water springs: only strong medication kept the camera in my hand in lieu of a much louder tool.

  3. larry kurtz 2012.08.03

    Same with upper Elk Creek: cattle in the water upstream of camping bikers. Makes me want to sue somebody.

  4. larry kurtz 2012.08.03

    For those insisting on meat: plunk down a thousand bucks to go kill a microchipped bison, a hundred to go shoot a deer.

    Meat is privilege not a right.

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