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Spearfish Neighbors Circulate Petition to Refer Annexation to Vote

As expected, a petition is circulating around Spearfish to refer the city's recent annexation resolution to a public vote. Monday before last, the Spearfish City Council voted to add 134 acres to the northwest part of town. The annexation would make Guadalajara's and the Valley Corner gas station part of town.

Dylan Wilde, a local attorney who has represented opponents of the annexation at city meetings, says the petition drive is going well:

"We have a number of people who are circulating petitions at this time," said Spearfish-based attorney Dylan Wilde. "We've also contacted a vast amount of people who all seem to be willing to sign, so I'm sure we'll get enough signatures" [Heather Murschel, "Putting It to a Vote," Black Hills Pioneer, August 30, 2012].

Ah, democracy: Spearfishians could use a little more excitement on the November ballot. Neighbors, get out and sign that petition! If circulators don't catch you at home, you can add your name to the petition at Wilde's law office at 210 West Grant in Spearfish.


  1. larry kurtz 2012.09.01

    Upper Valley is a mixed bag of trailer houses surrounding the most beautiful singe property in Spearfish built by a surgeon in the 40s. It's currently owned by a former Merchant Marine engineer and a teacher.

    Cheap asses all.

  2. larry kurtz 2012.09.01

    single not singe: annexation is too good for these people. let them eat dirt.

  3. JoeBoo 2012.09.01

    Spearfish's city limits are weird to say the least. I think I know the area and I'm not really opposed to it, but at the same time I'd just like Spearfish to establish their city limits and leave them for a while. Seemed like every year I was at college there they were trying to annex in some area around the city that if you lived their you wouldn't know how it wasn't previously in the city limits.

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.09.02

    You're right about the frequency of annexation, Joe. A map in the 2012 annexation study shows over twenty annexations from 2000 to 2010. Could there be a budgetary reason for annexing piece by piece rather than drawing a big rectangle and adding the whole she-bang at once?

  5. grudznick 2012.09.14

    That's funny, Larry. Let this be a lesson to you all, for who among you has not shot a neighbor's dog?

  6. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.09.14

    Save your cat; fight annexation!

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