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Media, Government Controlling Minds with Big Numbers, Says Rotten Wingnut Writer

Last updated on 2012.12.16

Gordon Howie pushes paranoia and fascist theocracy with tired, vague, repetitive posts. Ed Randazzo throws smug insults and occasionally slips into plagiarism. A month after I alerted them to the problem, they still haven't fixed their broken comment widget, which barks "Invalid Data" every time I try to submit a comment.

But Gordon's Potemkin-village blogroll is arguably most degraded by the senseless contributions of Brad Ford. Mr. Ford's posts remain arrogantly detached not just from reality, but from basic English 101 coherence.

This morning's knicker-twister: Brad Ford's incomprehensible, unsupported allegation that journalists are conspiring to keep us stupid by using big numbers:

Big Media has done its job well in throwing Big Numbers at the average American. Fittingly so, because taxpayers have paid heavily from their hard-earned dollars to keep university and central-planning statisticians in employment cranking them out.

Trouble is, the numbers get so big that they lose any real meaning. Who cares if our debt is 14 trillion, 140 trillion, or 1400 brazillian? All the better to hoodwink the average person into even more acceptance. Global mathematics all but makes the whole issue null for most voters, all the more reason to make some emotional tangent or Twinkie the basis for candidate support [Brad Ford, "Do Big Numbers from Big Government Numb Voters Into Acquiescence?" The Right Side, September 15, 2012].

Because I don't want to hurt Brad's little head with big numbers, I'll only give you eight (8) reasons that his post is flat stupid:

  1. His headline blames government; his opening sentences blames the media.
  2. We're a big country with a big economy. Millions of workers spend trillions of dollars. Are we not supposed to track and study that data?
  3. Ford appears to assume that the "average" person is too dumb to grasp big numbers. Who's the elitist here?
  4. Rep. Kristi Noem's first TV of the season starts with the same trillion-dollar debt clock that the Republicans featured on-stage at their national convention. Are Rep. Noem and the RNC complicit in this big-number conspiracy to hoodwink America?
  5. Ford's co-bloggers have thrown around trillions and percents to make their wingnut points. Are they also guilty of trying to numb the electorate into acquiescence?
  6. "Global mathematics"—is that some United Nations plot? What is this meaningless phrase?
  7. Ford turns to a chain e-mail to make his point. Unless you are refuting folk lies, citing chain e-mails is a sure sign you've run out of original ideas and intellectual energy.
  8. To compound the insult to "average" Americans, Ford changes the subject to blame Americans' economic woes on women: instead of staying home to be wholesome "full-time managers," women go out and get jobs, giving their family budgeting "short shrift." It's not trickle-down economics or corporate greed keeping family incomes stagnant; it's you uppity women! Get back in the kitchen and balance our checkbook!

The average citizen can talk about big budget numbers. But the average citizen may suffer brain strain from Brad Ford's far too numerous insults against them and against intelligent writing.


  1. Jana 2012.09.15


    Maybe that's a small enough number for Mr. Ford, Ed and the Potemkin gang.

    Two months to be exact. That's how long Kristi Noem and her Tea Party backed Republican leaders have decided to take off of working for America to work for themselves and against South Dakota and America.

    What work are they leaving undone for South Dakota and the country?
    - Farm Bill
    - Wind tax credit
    - Violence Against Women Act re-authorization
    - The American Jobs Act
    - Tax cuts for working families
    - Veterans Job Corps Act
    - Sequestration

    Maybe Kristi can help us out with why she deserves a two month vacation when there is still work to be done.

  2. Justin 2012.09.15

    He must not realize that all slaves aren't treated as well as Gordie treats his Gimp. If only his ballgag could keep him from typing.

  3. grudznick 2012.09.15

    I too tried to post to Mr. Ford to ask him to have Sibby check his numbers but I got the ballgag too. His post in encouraging insanity.

  4. Bill Fleming 2012.09.15

    There are 100 trillion cells in the human body, each containing distinctly different DNA than any other human being. By Brad's definition they are all, therefore, "people," and one should be imprisoned for causing the death of any of them. One would therefore think he would have a far better appreciation for such big numbers, yes?

  5. G-Man 2012.09.15

    I don't waste my time reading their inciteful drivel. They always proclaim to "speak for God," but God wouldn't condone the hate they spew on a daily basis.

  6. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.09.15

    LK: agreed! Brad Ford is a chronic offender. If they'd fix their comment section, they might get some feedback and take heed. But I guess I'll have to serve as their comment section. Sigh.

  7. Michael Black 2012.09.15

    If Congress isn't doing anything anyway, members might as well stay at home.

  8. grudznick 2012.09.15

    Mr. Howie is a consortium of 100 billion cells of evil and insanity. If Stace Nelson runs for Governor and tries to bring Mr. Howie in to run things for him it will go bad. It will go very bad.

  9. Justin 2012.09.15

    Stace Nelson isn't going to run for Governor. He said he wasn't sure he even wanted to run again for his current position.

    Scott DaCola's idol and mentor Kermit Staggers has dibs on the title of Howie's vice-kook anyway.

  10. grudznick 2012.09.15

    Mr. H. can mark this or find it later if I'm dead and gone but in a few months I bet we have a swollen headed beast running the speaker and getting ready to run for more glorified spots.

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