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Eagle Cliff Trails South of Spearfish: Kid-Tested, Mom-Approved

The Divine Miss K got her boots dusty today on a trail she really likes:

We got our money's worth from our tax dollars this afternoon on the Lost Run Trail (I feel a Kristi Noem joke coming on), part of the Eagle Cliff Trails maintained by Uncle Sam.

But yes, Mom did have to utter that age-old advice, "Don't run with a stick!" Thanks to such effective parenting, the little one's eyes are both intact... and now, exhausted with the splendor of the Black Hills in September, firmly shut for the night.


  1. Stan Adelstein 2012.09.24

    Are you still out in the Hills? I sure would like to meet you face to face!

    Stan A

  2. grudznick 2012.09.24

    Mr. H heads to Stan's house on the hill for Turkey Day, football and political debate with a slew of reasonable Republican types.

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