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Howie: Compromise for the Mushy Middle: Let’s Have Civil War!

Want to know why Gordon Howie will never hold elected office in South Dakota again? It's enough to know that he's a tax dodger and that people who've supported him in the past, like Pastor Scott Craig, recognize that associating with Howie is a lethal political liability.

But here's more that proves Team Daugaard won't have to lift a finger to beat back Howie's 2014 primary challenge: in the latest installment of his fantasy video show, he compares himself to Martin Luther King, calls Independents the "mushy middle," and declares compromise (also known as the necessary mode of operating an inclusive democracy) to be the cause of America's moral collapse.

Senator Bruce Rampelberg (R-30/Rapid City) gamely tries to identify examples of compromise and working with people across political divides in the practices of Republican icons like Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. But Howie just celebrates civil war and the shedding of blood for "principle," a word he uses to excuse his delusional dedication to his self-serving crusade.

That's Gordon Howie: all circus and no statesmanship.

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Bonus Video: Here's Rep. Kristi Noem's love letter to Gordon Howie's Rapid City club. How the Howie-Randazzo no-compromise clique can stand No-Show Nowm defies explanation. She declines their invitation to attend their "Liberty Lunch" last week. She still refuses to join the Tea Party Caucus that Ed Randazzo asked her to join last February. But she sends them this video and expects them to line up behind her self-serving agenda that she paints as a principled stand against Democrats. Golly, on that score, she sounds like a perfect match for Gordon Howie.


  1. mike 2012.10.21

    Kristi Noem's fake orange tan and crazy hair makes her look like an adult film star.

  2. mike 2012.10.21

    Bruce Rampelberg is one of my favorite legislators. I think we could call him a true statesman.

    Gordon Howie continues to take his message off the rails.

    In all honesty I didn't really disagree with either. But Howie sure has a high opinion of himself especially since Daugaard wacked 10% off the state budget. If Rounds or Mickelson were still in office Howie's message would be a lot stronger than it is.

  3. mike 2012.10.21

    I listened to the Noem talk. Notice how everything she takes credit for hasn't actually happened. Good for her for passing a budget. Did any of that get signed? How about sequestration? Did you sign on to that horrible idea?

    Good for her for changing the conversation. I'm not really sure that the conversation has changed. We are still having two conversations and talking over each other.

    She's a waste of space.

    I'll vote

    Varilek (Noem is that bad)
    and I'm not sure on McGovern and Fiegen because I don't think either are my cup of tea.

  4. Rorschach 2012.10.21

    My recollection is that Varilek didn't criticize Rep. Noem for going to a National Guard ceremony on Saturday. He criticized her for failing to go to work the Friday before - as well as numerous other occasions.

    Conspicuously absent from Rep. Noem's campaign this year is any list of accomplishments, as she has failed to pass anything. All she can talk about is "we did this" or "we did that". Just more gobbledygook from a slacker trying to change the conversation from her own lack of accomplishment and her own lack of diligence.

    Noem may fool enough people this year to win a second term given the great funding and name recognition advantages she enjoys as the incumbent. But 2 more years like the last 2 years will be about all South Dakotans (and the Republican Party) will put up with. If she survives this race she may very well challenge Mike Rounds for the senate simply as a way to avoid the embarrassment of losing a primary for her own seat.

  5. mike 2012.10.21

    CHRIS NELSON FOR CONGRESS! He should primary her. I'd vote for him this time instead of her. She is an embarassment.

  6. mike 2012.10.21


    Makes a good point. If Noem wins this race (which looks close) will she challenge Rounds for Senate? I don't think she has a chance of defeating Rounds with her current record but she knows Brendan Johnson is waiting in the wings to run against her for House in '14.

    Noem's choices are run for reelection and face the serious thought of losing to Brendan Johnson. Run for reelection and face the serious thought of losing to Rounds. Defeats Rounds and faces the serious thought of losing to SHS in the general.

    None of Noem's options look good at this point. Her image is garbage right now.

  7. oldguy 2012.10.22

    I think Kristi as well as the Republican party should thank Matt. Matt will not win this election but I think it will be closer than pervious SHS blowouts. Matt has brought up a very good point being all our representatives need to work when they go to DC. I would bet Kristi will become a better House member because of this race. Mike Rounds should thank Matt because after a closer race than it should been with Matt Kristi will not run for senate. The Republicans can thank Matt because now if Tim does run they can point to attendance as well as holding open meetings as a legit campaign issue and Democrats who voted for Matt will have to agree. Thank you Matt as you have earned my vote..

  8. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.10.22

    Thank you, OldGuy, for voting for honesty, competence, and a real desire to serve. Tell your friends, and you may see your vote go to a winner!

    I agree with your future handicapping: making attendance and open meetings an issue this year poses a challenge for Johnson in 2014. I do not think, however, that if Noem squeaks by she will become a better Congresswoman. In too many public statements, she has projected too much self-absorption and a lack of the curiosity it takes to get informed about other issues and to improve her performance. Anyone can turn over a new leaf, but for Noem, it would be a surprisingly big turn.

  9. Steve Sibson 2012.10.22

    "especially since Daugaard wacked 10% off the state budget"

    That is a lie that is now fueling IM15. It is a lie because I have provided the truth and the truth has been ignored...not only by Republicans, but the media and Democrats too.

  10. oldguy 2012.10.22

    I just made up my mind this weekend on voting for Matt. I do hope he does well as everything is aganist Matt inculding a very unpoplar President. If Kristi doesn't wake up and start working this will be her last term but I think Matt woke everybody up. Anyway I know he woke up this oldguy

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