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Posts published in December 2012

Judge Trandahl Rejects Challenge to Rep. Gosch’s Petitions

I don't like to argue with the judge, especially not in a case filed too late by a gal who just can't win. Judge Kathleen Trandahl has put the final circuit court kabosh on Stephanie Strong's effort to hold Rep.…

Socialist Hollande’s 75% Top Tax Rate Fails Constitutional Test

French President François Hollande hit a constitutional bump this week. The Socialist leader (who presides over a country that my students are not finding terribly oppressive) wants to raise the top tax rate to 75%. That rate would apply to…

Top Ten Madville Times Stories of 2012: Commenters’ Choice!

Dairy, death, guns, rape, religion, and Mike Knudson... poor Mike's wondering, "How'd I get in with this crowd?" One metric of good blogging is the number of comments one draws. That metric doesn't always square with my judgment: I write…

Tea Party Turns Stale, Consigns Self to Nut-Flavored Fringe

Here's welcome news for lovers of sanity in politics: President Barack Obama and some better-late-than-never Republicans are washing the Tea Party down the drain: The Tea Party might not be over, but it is increasingly clear that the election last…

Bon Voyage! Madville Times to Report from Land of Socialist Tyranny

I'm about to discombobulate my blog-posting schedule. In four hours, I take off with 28 of Spearfish High School's best and brightest to visit France for seven days. Our itinerary does not include an audience with socialist President François Hollande,…

Poll Results: Don’t Let Heidelberger Carry a Gun in Class!

The latest Madville Times poll asked you, dear readers, a very straightforward and personal question: Do you want me to carry a gun in my classroom? Your responses: Yes: 83 votes, 41% No: 118 votes, 59% Total votes: 201 I…