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Lederman Unhappy with Fiscal Cliff Deal: Realistic Primary Challenge to Noem?

Last updated on 2013.02.13

Veteran SDGOP organizer and pundit Joel Rosenthal has suggested that Rep. Kristi Noem's vote for the fiscal-cliff compromise last week may draw a primary challenge in 2014. I've been wondering who other than the self-marginalizing and ineffectual Tea Party fantasists might throw in against our favorite horsewoman in 2014.

What about Senator Dan Lederman, who sees Noem's compromise as a failure of Republican leadership?

We had a chance. We had a chance to actually accomplish something by containing Washington’s out of control spending. But we blew it. Most accurately, John Boehner blew it.

Compromise is an ugly thing for everyone, but that’s how you can tell you met in the middle – because no one likes it. But in this case, Republicans should have been able to negotiate to a position where we actually got SOMETHING we wanted. If, at the end of the day, we were willing to raise taxes, why didn’t we use this as leverage to get a reduction in government spending?

Instead, we’re left with increased taxes. And a deal that will haunt us [Dan Lederman, "When Compromise Just Doesn't Cut It," SD Rushmore PAC, 2013.01.02].

Lederman proceeds to praise radical right wing-nuts like Iowa's Steve King and Minnesota's Michele Bachmann and to advocate for replacing Speaker Boehner with Eric Cantor.

Lederman is stating quite clearly that Noem made the wrong call on the fiscal cliff. He says the deal will haunt us. He has money and connections. He's been pretending to power beyond the state legislature by forming his Rushmore PAC to boost candidates from other states.

Hmmm... could Senator Dan Lederman be the Republican to oust his state party's most prominent incompetent (close second to Secretary of State Jason Gant) and make the leap to South Dakota's lone House seat?


  1. Rorschach 2013.01.10

    Lederman is certainly posturing & positioning himself to the right of the tea party's former poster girl. Right now he thinks he's got a grip & he's climbing. We'll see if Rep. Noem gives him any more openings in the next year. Lederman would not have any problem raising money for a congressional run, and he might even win. Then what? Lederman's business that brought him wealth in the private sector is his Achilles' heel in a serious political race. Bail bondsman vs. prosecutor. There's a mismatch for the general election.

  2. Rorschach 2013.01.10

    I meant Lederman might win a primary against Noem. Brendan Johnson will clean his clock in the general.

  3. hmr59 2013.01.10

    "Compromise is an ugly thing for everyone...."

    Uh-huh. Now I realize the context he was using this phrase in (that it was a bad deal for everyone), but the sentiment has become the reigning mantra of today's brand of party politics (particularly the GOP) - "If I can't win, I will work to make sure you lose!" I'm probably too naive/idealistic for someone who grew up around politics in Pierre and studied Poly Sci in college, but I've always felt that the job of the elected official was to work to ensure the best quality of life possible for the people they serve. Many times, compromise is a key factor in providing that service. Now, there has always been bombastic rhetoric and sniping between the parties (all the way back to the Federalists and Anti-Federalists), but, really kids, let's take a deep breath, step back, and try to remember the 300+ million folks who are counting on you to make things a little better. OK, thanks...

  4. Steve Sibson 2013.01.10

    "I've been wondering who other than the self-marginalizing and ineffectual Tea Party fantasists might throw in against our favorite horsewoman in 2014.

    What about Senator Dan Lederman, who sees Noem's compromise as a failure of Republican leadership?"

    Cory, are you saying Lederman is a member of the Tea Party? If so, you are wrong.

  5. larry kurtz 2013.01.10

    Having Noem's feet held to funding for Israel would be a bag of fun: bring it on.

  6. mike 2013.01.10

    A Lederman vs Noem primary would be a real race. He can raise money and he has stronger personal relationships across the state than she does with activists and legislators. Mostly because he actually likes people.

  7. mike 2013.01.10

    Either way Lederman is a fairly prominent state senator who has shown some guts to publicly take a position different than Noem and Thune and to also say he wants a different speaker of the House.

    Those are both good areas in which he could start rallying people to his side.

  8. larry kurtz 2013.01.10

    The statewide crackdown on the prison/industrial complex will be hard on Lederman's base constituency: profits from his gun running is a far more lucrative calling and he knows it.

  9. Michael Black 2013.01.10

    Maybe you need to look at Republican women for a possible challenger to Noem. Why should half our state's population be ignored from consideration?

  10. mike 2013.01.10

    David Montgomery should just ask Lederman about his comments on Boehner and the vote on the bill.

    I like diversity in the party and Lederman having an opinion is a good thing.

  11. Douglas Wiken 2013.01.10

    Opinions without brains are a dangerous thing.

  12. oldguy 2013.01.10

    Mr. Wilken are you saying people that don't see things your way have no brains?

  13. larry kurtz 2013.01.10

    oldwhiteguy: if he didn't permit me.

  14. Douglas Wiken 2013.01.10

    Oldguy, check your reading comprehension. Try to read instead of guessing and assuming.

  15. mike 2013.01.10

    Lederman would be strong in a political primary but I bet Noem and her staff don't like him after they read this post and what he had to say about her vote.

  16. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.01.10

    No, Steve, I'm not saying Lederman is a member of the Tea Party... whatever that is anymore. Lederman is an interesting combination of hard right, money, and the savvy necessary to connect with power and win elections. With those qualities, he could bring the heat in a primary against Noem without sounding like a complete nut the way anyone put forward by the Howie crowd would.

  17. mike 2013.01.10

    Cory hit the nail on the head!

  18. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.01.11

    Cory gets some good tips and conversations from eager readers. :-)

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