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Noem Ignores Veteran Request for Help with G.I. Bill; Johnson Solves Problem Fast

Right after my post about Rep. Kristi Noem's relatively sparse public events calendar yesterday morning, one of her minions hurriedly threw two events onto her webpage: a speech to the Watertown Rotary today (just up the road from her house), then a speech the SDREA annual meeting in Pierre Friday. The Noem office really does just fly by the seat of its pants.

But Rep. Noem's constituent service still stinks, says former Marine Bryant Jackson from Yankton. He says V.A. understaffing and increased veterans claims contributed to some problem with his university receiving his G.I. Bill payments. Sounds like a job for our Congressional delegation:

I contacted Rep. Noem’s office on multiple occasions over the course of a few weeks in October. I have yet to hear from them.

I then reached out to the office of Senator Johnson. The same day my request was heard, and his office proceeded to investigate the reason my education claims had not been processed. In less than a week, Sen. Johnson’s office resolved the issue [Bryant Jackson, letter to the editor, Yankton Press & Dakotan, 2013,01.09].

I suspect all that Noem's mouthpieces in the right-wing blogosphere will be able to say in Noem's defense is able-bodied adults shouldn't expect any help from the government. Evidently, able-bodied adults can't expect any help from Noem... unless they are big campaign donors or fellow farm-subsidy recipients.

If you need help, Senator Johnson's Washington number is 202-224-5842.


  1. Michael Black 2013.01.10

    I am glad that Senator Johnson was able to help. I wish that Johnson, Thune and Noem would be as effective in their primary responsibilities.

    The problem is that there seems no sense of urgency right now on Congress dealing with important issues like the budget and eliminating the deficit. I cannot figure out why our delegation is running around SD instead of being in Washington getting work done. We do not need to wait until the 11th hour for some back room deal to be done.

  2. Dana P. 2013.01.10

    well South Dakotans? How responsive IS Ms Noem? This isn't the first time that something like this has happened. The faux caring for "us good ole regular hard working South Dakotans" is ridiculous. Ms Noem, batted her big brown eyes, said that she wouldn't let Obama take our guns, said she would repeal Obamacare, she would vote against Nancy Pelosi policies, rode her horses, smiled - and you bought it - hook, line, and sinker. Could we do a little more soul searching in two years when Ms Noem wants your votes again? (I'll be waiting at the coffee shop in Spearfish in two years, because we won't see her here any time before that)

  3. mike 2013.01.10

    This is a real problem. It doesn't matter who you speak with they will say Noem's constituent service opperations is really really bad. Especially in Watertown and Rapid City.

    For all of Johnson's weaknesses this is his greatest strength. I would encourage the SDDP to go after Noem on this issue from here until the election. Because anyone who has contacted her offices for help knows how bad this has been.

  4. larry kurtz 2013.01.10

    PP realizes that a trillion dollar coin wouldn't contain a trillion dollars worth of anything...right?

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