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Verbatim: Governor Malloy Sees Better Solutions than Armed Teachers

Governor Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut delivered his State of the State Address in Hartford yesterday. Still emotional about the senseless deaths of students and teachers in the Sandy Hook Elementary School last month, Governor Malloy declared his commitment to real freedom and security instead of the illusions fueled by the gun culture:

And when it comes to preventing future acts of violence in our schools, let me say this: more guns are not the answer. Freedom is not a handgun on the hip of every teacher, and security should not mean a guard posted outside every classroom.

That is not who we are in Connecticut, and it is not who we will allow ourselves to become [Governor Dannel P. Malloy, State of the State Address, Hartford, Connecticut, 2013.01.09].

I hope that is not who we are or who we will become in South Dakota, either.


  1. Michael Black 2013.01.10

    The gun debate is a way for the politicians to hide their fiscal neglect.

  2. Steve Sibson 2013.01.10

    "Governor Malloy declared his commitment to real freedom and security instead of the illusions fueled by the gun culture"

    Cory, I don't see Malloy's idea of freedom and security. And the illusions are the same thoughts that came from our Founding Fathers. Is the Constitution totally disabled where we can change it without going through the amendment process? Malloy's position is what allowed a lone gunman to have his way in the school. Therefore the blood is in his hands, along with the rest of the gun banners.

  3. FB 2013.01.10

    Question: How many NRA leaders does it take to change a light bulb?
    Answer: More guns.

    According to several recent polls, the leadership apparently is not in synch with NRA membership. Only a minority of them feel the need to possess assault weapons.

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