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SD Delegation to Have a Blast Marketing South Dakota in Vegas

Good ol' Dennis is sending a whole mess of muckety-mucks down to Las Vegas next week. They all are goin' to the Shootin' Huntin' and Outdoorin' Trade Show.... the SHOT Show! Hooooo-wee! Them namin' folks is clever... and so's our ec-o-nomic de-velopers who get us to pay for their tickets to the City of Sin.

Here's what Big Double-D says about the big crap-shoot trip:

Representatives from Minnehaha County Economic Development Association and Lincoln County Economic Development Association (MCEDA/LCEDA), Madison, Webster, Sturgis, Pierre, Huron, Watertown, Huron, Rapid City, Britton, Mitchell, Aberdeen, Bar-Sto Precision of Sturgis, and the Department of Tourism will be located at booth 2950.

"South Dakota has a robust shooting, hunting and outdoors industry," said Gov. Dennis Daugaard. "The SHOT Show is an excellent opportunity for state and local officials to connect with companies and tell them about the benefits of doing business in South Dakota" ["State, Community Representatives to Promote South Dakota at SHOT Show," State of South Dakota press release, 2013.01.08].

Gotta pardon Dennis there: he's a-puttin' on his fancy guvvie talk. He's just tellin' y'all that we South Dakotans love to shoot stuff, so come live here!

I was a-gonna show y'all a fancy video 'bout guns and such that the Guv'ner linked to in his press release, but dad-gum-it! Dennis's good-fer-nothin' son-in-law musta spilled bar-bee-q sauce on the Intertubes again. But I'm a-bettin' this here's the video Denny wanted us to feast our eyes on and show to all them fine folks at the big show in Vegas:

That video pretty much sums up how Dennis wants folks thinkin' of our fair state. Come to South Dakota, and blow somethin' up! Blow it up real good!


  1. Michael Black 2013.01.11

    All it takes sometime is one good contact that can lead to another business willing to come to our state. Hunters are entrepreneurs too.

  2. owen reitzel 2013.01.11

    lol Funny Cory.
    But I'm a member of the Alexandria Developmental Corp. I wonder where my invite to Vegas went to???
    I know lost in the mail. Bummer

  3. Steve Sibson 2013.01.11

    Owen, a Marxist based socialist is a member of a fascist organization. Thanks for proving the points I have been making Owen...liberal Democrat socialists have commonality with liberal RINO GOP fascists...collectivist totalitarian government.

  4. owen reitzel 2013.01.11

    so democrats and RINO's are the same Steve?

  5. Steve Sibson 2013.01.11

    "so democrats and RINO's are the same Steve?"

    different party same big government ideology

  6. owen reitzel 2013.01.11

    and you and your far-right buddies are the only answer?

  7. Tom Lawrence 2013.01.11

    They blowed up real good!
    Thanks for a look at John Candy and Joe Flaherty from the great "SCTV" series. Although it's difficult to top some of the comedy we get from our "leaders," they did it.
    Wonder if our economic boosters need some media coverage ...

  8. grudznick 2013.01.11

    Crockage. Mr. H would be lauding this move if one of his Libbie stiff icons in the legislatures had proposed it. I hope Mr. Gant gets to go and comes back having landed the biggest fish.

  9. Jana 2013.01.11

    Oh Mr. Grud...your kind remark earlier calling me young tempers my comment.

    But what the H are you talking about..."Mr. H would be lauding this move if one of his Libbie stiff icons in the legislatures had proposed it."

    Yes, I'm certain that a "librul" Dem in the legislature would propose do see the disconnect here...right? Maybe right after a Republican promotes spending money on a Hemp and Weed conference to recruit new medicinal marijuana businesses.

  10. grudznick 2013.01.11

    Weed is evil. Did you not read what it did to a gentleman just this week who used to be in the legislatures? Weed is evil. Those of you who pray should pray for the young man's family.

  11. Bill Dithmer 2013.01.11

    I am ready and willing to spend money to build a twenty thousand sq ft facility for the purpose of growing this states medical marijuana.

    I am ready and willing to let the state come in and help me keep track of the plants just like they do in Colorado.

    I am ready to abide by all the laws and rules set forth by the state of South Dakota to keep the general public safe from a plant as dangerous as marijuana.

    Ah hell who am I kidding? Just like Grudz said "weed is evil." It just doesn't kill enough people.

    This state isn't ready for something that would give sick people relief from their illness.

    This state isn't ready for a money making business that doesn't have anything to do with insurance or banking.

    And from the sound of the Governors state of the state address it sure doesn't need the million dollars in taxes a business like this would surrender to the state of South Dakota every year. This state is rich and "don't need no stinking help from anyone to make ends meet."

    Spend money on a Hemp and Weed conference to recruit new medicinal marijuana businesses. Now Jana, that sounds like something that has been going on in some of the other states. If you don't stop writing like that people will think you are a progressive. Don't you know South Dakota is a leader not a follower?

    Honestly this state bleeds red while we take money that the blue states have given to the federal government, all the time protecting trillions of greenbacks for the banks that are hiding within our borders. There aren't many states that are as generous as we are when it comes to big money but as cheap as we are when it comes to some of the important things.
    The education of our kids
    The health of our people, no matter who they are
    And the protection of our natural resources

    There are plenty of contacts right here instate. The problem is that either we haven't bent over far enough yet or we have bad breath and nobody wants to kiss us. Either way the financial incentives that we would get amount to a drop in the bucket compared to what someone from the Shot Show would be told they would get for coming here.

    420 anyone? .08+1 "you figure it out and then tell me what you think it means.

    The Blindman

  12. mhs 2013.01.12

    This post is beneath your standards Corey. GOED has been working this show since I was there in the 80's. There are 8 companies I can name off the top of my head that have relocated to the state as a result, most are in your Black Hills area. Well over a 1,000 jobs.

    Reinforces what my favorite Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman said in jest years ago: "We Democrats like employment, we just don't like employers"

  13. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.01.12

    Since the 1980s? Well, we must have gotten the idea from SCTV.

    Grudz, arguing about what you think I would say in a hypothetical is useless. I've tried to give that rhetorical strategy up myself. Either point to specific things I've said about specific policies, or be quiet and don't waste our time arguing with the strawmen you wish were on the record.

  14. grudznick 2013.01.12

    Then I simply say that this post is not up to your highbrow standards. You have blogged down the level of "others" I shall not name with blogs like "Gotta pardon Dennis there: he's a-puttin' on his fancy guvvie talk. He's just tellin' y'all that we South Dakotans love to shoot stuff, so come live here! I was a-gonna show y'all a fancy video 'bout guns and such that the Guv'ner linked to in his press release, but dad-gum-it! Dennis's good-fer-nothin' son-in-law musta spilled bar-bee-q sauce on the Intertubes again."

  15. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.01.12

    Grudz, you are in no position to judge my standards. Read up on satire. I only wish I were as good as John Candy and Joe Flaherty.

  16. larry kurtz 2013.01.12

    South Dakota is dying regardless and irrespective of its lawgivers' efforts to confuse and confound potential investors. Panic is gripping the legislature as it struggles to prove relevance to its aging constituencies.

    The End Days are truly here.

  17. grudznick 2013.01.12

    And yet I judge your standards.

  18. grudznick 2013.01.12

    Actually I'm judging your character.

  19. Jana 2013.01.12

    mhs, do you know who those companies are and how many employees each has? Did a quick check and it looks like there's around 520 direct jobs in SD.

    Do you know how many of those were recruited in over the last 5 years?

    I'm not against recruiting companies to move to SD and I'm just guessing that each of the communities going to the trade show are paying their own way.

    Heck, the research from the industry people behind the trade show reveals that most of the jobs are in high tax states, so it should be a target rich environment.

    I think that the people behind the effort could do a better job in telling us, and their communities, how effective the effort has been. It might very well be a good expenditure of taxpayer monies.

  20. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.01.12

    Most of the jobs are in high tax states? How did those jobs get there in the first place? How did those companies reach their current levels of success laboring under such fiscal tyranny? Why aren't those companies starting here in Tax Freedom Land?

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