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Senator Jensen Says No Fetal Pain Bill This Session

Last updated on 2021.09.09

Senator Phil Jensen (R-33/Rapid City) was threatening to bring a fetal-pain bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks. But with the deadline for new bills passed, no such bill has appeared in the legislative hopper. Senator Jensen has decided not to push such a bill... yet:

Senator Jensen told KOTA Territory News that it wasn't the right year for the bill, stating that certain parts of the bill needed to be re-worked, including a segment that would have made an exception in the case of a medical emergency [Katy Urban, "Fetal Pain Bill on Hold," KOTA-TV, 2013.01.30].

I'd like to think that Senator Jensen took to heart the tragedy that befell Savita Halappanavar at the hands of Ireland's strict anti-abortion laws. I'd like to think Senator Jensen has recognized that the "science" behind his plan is dubious at best.

But maybe he's just too busy fighting flouride and public education. Whatever the case, let's just be glad we won't be debating the false construct of fetal pain in this session.


  1. Ellen 2013.02.01

    Truth is Sen. Jensen couldn't get the governor on board.

  2. Joan 2013.02.01

    Apparently they are smarter out there, than the legislators in SD have been over several years.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.02.02

    Ellen, what would deter our governor from backing such a bill?

  4. jon 2013.03.16

    What poison in our public water system isnt a worthwhile cause? My kid has to drink that crap! (fluoride) I brought that bill to Jensen so looks like he is doing his job. Fluoride has never been approved to be ingested.. Just ask your dentist. And yes tbe bill will be back next year backed with funds and dental and medical doctors on board. just look up the effects on the human body and how fluoride is made. You may just think twice before poisoning your body.

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.16

    Not every bill brought by a constituent to a legislator should see the light of day. But if you think Senator Jensen was doing his job, then how do you feel about his going to committee, saying two vague sentences in favor, and then asking the committee to kill the bill? He didn't sound too fired up about the bill.

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