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Snow, Bagpipes, Mountains — Deadwood Parade Brief, Majestic, Ends with Truffles

Some guy holding a beer on Deadwood Main Street looks at the first piffling snowflakes before the parade and says to me, "Huh. 45 degrees, and it's trying to snow."

About five minutes later, the snow succeeds. So does Wyoming Pipe and Drum, which marches undaunted through the wet white fluff. Here's how they looked and sounded from the porch of the Franklin Hotel:

What more stirring sound can you imagine than the pipes echoing through the Hills?

The pipes brought the stirring sound of an extra ring of the cash register to world-class chocolatier Chubby Chipmunk, which sold the Heidelbergers three more truffles. The Divine Miss K's Cinna Bun truffle was better than I expected, but I could be moved to contend that mankind needs no other sustenance than the Raspberry Royale. I'd show you pictures of these Deadwood delectables... but the taste buds jumped in line in front of the blog itch. Num num num!


  1. grudznick 2013.03.17

    I hope you had a chance to visit Mr. kurtz's breakfast standby, Spankies. They serve breakfast until noon.

  2. lee schoenbeck 2013.03.18

    as usual, your liberal tastes have impaired your judgment. every red blooded american knows that the turtles are the best truffles at the chubby chip. i just surveyed the field on friday :) , and will be exercising until next friday to get back to even. could you make those in a low cal version?

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.18

    Low-cal defeats the purpose, Lee. Besides, if you're in the Hills, you should be getting enough extra exercise hiking and biking and climbing and such to burn off an extra truffle or two. :-)

  4. lee schenbeck 2013.03.18

    which is the best bike shop in northern hills?

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.18

    I do business at both Two Wheeler Dealer and Rushmore Mountain Sports here in Spearfish; both have treated me well. Deadwood used to have a shop at the Mickelson trail terminus; Deadwood should bring that shop back and market harder to the granola crowd!

  6. larry kurtz 2013.03.18

    The owner of Two Wheeler Dealer is a white supremacist and earth hater: he harassed Food Not Bombs on Rapid Creek by siccing the cops on people who came for soup when he had the shop on East Boulevard.

    He has since moved his operation.

    Tony, the guy who ran the shop at the Mickelson Trail terminus, is still around Deadwood and may reopen at another location.

  7. Les 2013.03.18

    Hi five for the Turtles!! Ain't no granola crowd in Deadwood Corey, you have em all in Speartown.

  8. Nick Nemec 2013.03.18

    There might not be a granola crowd in Deadwood but a smart businessmen might do well by marketing to them. The last I checked everyone's money is the same color, green.

  9. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.18

    We could easily bring that crowd there, Nick. Spend the day hiking and biking, spend the evening gambling... double the Chamber of Commerce bang!

  10. Nick Nemec 2013.03.18

    Agreed Cory. I think there is a lot of potential to be realized by marketing to the extreme sports crowd. The hills are an ideal place for this type of outdoor activity and we've only just begun to realize the potential.

  11. Les 2013.03.18

    I'll find you an open door if you choose to give it a shot at those demographics Nick. Over eating/drinking and then jumping a bike doesn't quite compare to us Catholics sinning and repenting.

  12. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.18

    I imagine the Tony mentioned above by Larry may have been thinking along my lines but didn't find the market there. Does Spearfish lap up all of that visitor market? Does Deadwood get a lot of business who ski Terry Peak all day, then come down the mountain to gamble at night?

  13. Les 2013.03.18

    Almost all business Deadwood gets from spin offs of ski/snowmobile/tourist travelers/etc, comes for eating and or drinking and gambling last. Most of those who gamble come to gamble whether they eat or drink. Deadwood can't keep a grocery store open more or less a trendy biz of any type. We all fall victim to the Chubby Chipmunk.
    I miss the old days of a surprise around every corner.
    Spearfish laps up everything it can get it's paws on Corey, that's what a normal community tries for, Deadwood is not normal.
    And then there is Lead, I give my heart to Lead.

  14. larry kurtz 2013.03.18

    Why would you get me started on this, Cory? You know how I am.

    Tony climbs rock and ice, too. There is available retail space closer to Pluma along the Mickelson Trail where an artificial climbing wall could be erected.

  15. larry kurtz 2013.03.18

    i go to warp at 0400. can be in lawco wednesday. coffee?

  16. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.19

    An artificial climbing wall in the middle of climbing country seems a bit redundant, doesn't it? (Send me an e-mail when you get to town!)

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