Vote now in the latest Madville Times double-feature poll: Who do you think would be the strongest candidates for the Democrats and the Republicans to run for the U.S. Senate seat Tim Johnson is vacating? Click your faves for both parties here in the right sidebar!
Republicans, here are your choices:
- M. Michael Rounds
- Kristi Noem
- Stace Nelson
- Bill Napoli
- Someone else
The South Dakota blogopshere's Republican spin machine runs polls to push his preferred distracting narrative and thus avoid mentioning the possible GOP primary that his minders so fear. I run polls because I'm really curious. So tell me which Dem you think would contend best for the Senate seat:
- Bernie Hunhoff
- Brendan Johnson
- Stephanie Herseth Sandlin
- Matt Varilek
- Someone else
The four leading lights I've picked for each party reek of my own interpretations and biases: I thus welcome your someone elses here in the comment section.
This double poll runs through Tuesday, and is open to all political persuasions. Vote now and share your armchair quarterbacking below!
Brendan Johnson. He's a great guy and he'd do a good job. But I cold also vote for the other 3 as well. As long as its not a republican
I find it amazing that Stace Nelson is coming in second to MMR. No love for Kristi Noem.
No contest between Brendan Johnson and Stephanie.
Any chance we could see Stace Nelson run for governor as an independent and watch him take away enough support that SHS could beat Daugaard?
That would be the ultimate payback Stace could give Daugaard and leadership.
I just cast my vote for Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.
Although, I keep hearing all this chatter about people wanting Stephanie to run for Governor instead. Hmmmmmmmm...Either way, I'd support her in that race too. I believe she can beat either Rounds or Daugaard.
Noem is looking like the GOP's fourth choice.
Mike, it is possible that this poll stage is just a reflection of people who like Mr. Nelson because he's a blogger. He blogs here. A tiny fraction of people know Mr. Nelson is a blogger in the real world. This is not a slam on Mr. Nelson, as I, for one, would prefer Mr. Nelson over Ms. Noem.
full disclosure: I voted for my other good friend Bill.
Having a lawyer as Senator
makes sense, governors and house: not so much. Pierre or DC: talk about choices of poison.
Some people are apparently answering a different question than what was asked. The question asks who would be the "strongest" candidate.
Do 7 people really believe Matt Varilek is a "stronger" candidate than either Stephanie or Brendan? Who are these 7 crazy-ass people?
Mr. R. I voted for young Mr. Varilek, because as Mr. H. taught us and blogged over and over he is a really good candidate and the best for the Democratic party. I believe Mr. H.
I firmly believe that Matt should run for the House again. Economics and ag issues is where his strength lies.
Maggie Glespie,
She is tough, was in the legislature during Rounds tenure as Governor, Represented a very Republican district so she can get Republican votes, knows her stuff, and is tough but attractive.
I met Ms. Gelespie once a number of years ago at a greasy spoon. She's a man-eatin fire-breathin butch-cut feminist-chauvenist-pig. She'd be a fun one to run.
Gillespie would probably be a good Attorney General candidate
I think it is fine (an fun actually) to do these polls and talk about this person, or that person running for Senate, or House, but I have always felt that the position that shapes our lives the most in the Governor. There are so few of us that we do not count on the national level. There is power in numbers (electoral college numbers) and that is not a South Dakota strong suit.
But, we do have 1 of 50 Governors. Our top prize should be the mansion on the lake in Pierre. Any politician that wants to affect the lives of their voters should want the job. We have looked at it as a second class citizen, you know with plaid shirts and poor speaking
Whoops hit the wrong button...we need a real leader that we can follow and that will move South Dakota forward. Just not seeing that over the past 10 years. Ok, now I am done. Happy Easter to all regardless do your beliefs.
Good perspective, Wayne! I wonder: Did Peter Norbeck have more impact on South Dakota as Governor from 1917 to 1921 or as Senator from 1921 to 1936? What about the influence of Senators Mundt and Case, bringing the dams to the Missouri? And do any of them compare to Bill Janklow in leaving a lasting mark on our history?
I'm sure I'll find room for a gubernatorial poll or two before next year's primary date.
I forget, is Rounds a Republican or a Democrat?
I can't figure out who in their right mind would want to see Rounds in anything political any more. Just listening to his dull voice going on and on is really painful.
Another thing about Rounds, if he gets into congress, he would be wanting to spend tons of tax payer money on airplanes.
I am surprised more people aren't voting for Bernie.
Governor Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and Senator Brendan Johnson.
As someone mentioned, the question asked who is the "strongest" candidate, not the one you would actually prefer. I picked candidates that I thought had the best chance of winning in a general election, not those that I would personally vote for, or those that I think necessarily have the best chance to win a primary.
Stace Nelson has my vote all the way to Washington!
Well I would go with Stacey Nelson because he understands the Constitution and Bill Of Rights. So i figure he would vote no and against all federal stuff that is state and peope rights. but being a registered democrat I would have to go with Bernie. Because I know the other three would give us over to UN control in a NY minute caring nothing about people rights.