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Fast for the Earth, Bold Nebraska to Protest Grand Island Keystone XL Hearing

On a weekend about salvation, Fast for the Earth is planning to save the planet with a roadtrip to Nebraska. The Brookings group is organizing carpools from eastern South Dakota to join the protest events Bold Nebraska is organizing on April 17 and 18 to fight the Keystone XL pipeline.

The State Department is holding a public hearing in Grand Island, Nebraska, to take comment on the new Draft Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement it issued on March 1. Fast for the Earth, Bold Nebraska, and other organizations want to bring as many anti-pipeline, pro-property rights voices as they can to counter the voices that Big Oil will surely ship in to push TransCanada's inflated jobs numbers.

If you like clean water and clean farm land, hop in the van with Fast for the Earth... or send them a little gas money!


  1. Jana 2013.03.31

    Wonder why the Canadians don't want to run the pipeline through Canada?

    Here's the lastest spill that won't happen ;-)

    Of course it is creating clean up jobs...and wrecking the environment, destroying personal property and endangering people's health...but that all seems like a small price for a as much as the Canadian firm stands to make...doesn't it?

  2. DB 2013.04.01

    Yeah Jana....b/c stopping the pipeline will stop the oil....errr wait. Quit trying to pollute our environment even more Jana. You are causing more harm than is needed by your hate for the environment. I know you want to spread oil all over our railways and waterways but you shouldn't be trying to get everyone on board your "Destroy the Environment" bandwagon. You should have more respect for the quality of our environment, rather than finding better ways to destroy it.

  3. DB 2013.04.02 it easier to clean up when a rail car spills it? If not, then why do you advocate so that more oil is to be spilled by railways? Is it not enough for you?

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