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InfiniteIQ Joins Eagle Creek in USD-Vermillion Corporate Welfare Deal

The USD-Vermillion-Eagle Creek Software corporate welfare deal has another beneficiary: InfiniteIQ Consulting. USD's documentation submitted to the Board of Regents for approval at their meeting this week in Aberdeen names both Eagle Creek and Georgia-based InfiniteIQ as partners in creating the Big Data Summer Program that will train potential employees for both companies. Eagle Creek and InfiniteIQ will review applications, interview applicants, and pick who gets into these new intensive graduate courses. (Note the private outsourcing of admissions decisions that I would think should properly remain under the authority of the institution issuing the academic credit.)

InfiniteIQ's LinkedIn profile says it has maybe ten employees. We'll see how many more it adds from its partnership with USD... and we'll see if those jobs move to Georgia or whether InfiniteIQ's recruits can do all their Big Data work on the cloud and work from comfy small-town cubicles in Vermillion.