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Collateral Damage: Music Teacher Axed by Daugaard Wins Unemployment Benefits

South Dakota will pay the price in numerous ways for Governor Dennis Daugaard's ongoing cuts (the "new norm") in our state investment in education. One small part of that cost: unemployment benefits for Jenny Easton.

Easton taught music in the Hanson School District from 2004 to 2011. In March 2011, following the Governor's hatchet job on K-12 funding, the school district decided to save money by cutting her position and offering her the chance to come back in the fall to a part-time position that would drop her pay from $30,260 to $21,975 and reduce her leave and retirement. Easton, apparently wanting to keep her income closer to a living wage, understandably said no.

In September 2011, Easton filed for unemployment benefits. The Unemployment Insurance Division and an administrative law judge approved Easton's claim. Then Daugaard-appointed Labor Secretary Pam Roberts denied Easton's claim. Easton appealed to circuit court, which reversed Secretary Roberts's reversal.

And now the Daugaard-Roberts cheese stands alone. On Wednesday, the South Dakota Supreme Court upheld Easton's claim. An employee has good cause for rejecting a 25% pay cut and demotion to part-time status... and now the state's unemployment insurance fund will pay for that cut.

Of course, the students in the Hanson School District have been paying for that cut for two years now.


  1. John 2013.04.06

    Thank goodness Easton stood up arbitrary Roberts. Too bad we can't cut her pay and benefits by 25%.

  2. Charlie Johnson 2013.04.06

    Amen to John's thoughts

  3. Jake Kammerer 2013.04.07

    Typical reaction of SD power-- players refusing to play by "our Repub" rules will be dealt with. And when courts rule against us the mediacommons won't expose us. Thanks to some blogs for the exposure.

  4. grudznick 2013.04.07

    I feel bad for young Ms. Easton, but the music teachers will be the first to go as a result of the sequester. Math and science trumps music. That's just the way it is.

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