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LVH Consulting Works for Rounds and Anti-Rounds Senate Conservatives Fund

According to his first-quarter campaign finance report, M. Michael Rounds paid the bull-riding Alexandria, Virginia, funsters at LVH Consulting $7,000 to help him figure out how to raise money.

In May, Jim DeMint's Senate Conservatives Fund paid LVH Consulting $7,811.56 for fundraising consulting and catering. In April, SCF paid LVH $5,000.

LVH lists both Team Rounds and SCF as current clients. SCF has declared Rounds insufficiently conservative to be Senator.

Please let someone have a camcorder handy when Rounds and DeMint bump into each other in LVH's Alexandria lobby.

Related: Team Rounds should ask LVH for some consulting on math. The FEC sent Team Rounds treasurer Shantel Krebs a letter on May 3 asking her to rectify numbers that don't add up in the Rounds first-quarter report. Well, at least Senator Krebs doesn't sit on Appropriations....