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Posts published in June 2013

Crop Insurance Fraud: Bryon, Not Barack, Killed the Farm Bill

Unwilling to shoulder responsibility for her legislative failure, Congresswoman Kristi Noem is peddling the fantasy that President Barack Obama caused the House to vote down the Farm Bill yesterday: Noem told reporters that House leaders believed they had enough votes…

Ski Yankton, Dine on Meridian Bridge: Riverfront Ideas!

Madison's downtown development task force should take a look at the conversation Yankton reporter Nathan Johnson and entrepreneur Ben Hanten are promoting in Yankton. On his blog An Inland Voyage, Nathan Johnson has published three posts this week on great…

Noem Fails to Pass Farm Bill

Congresswoman Kristi Noem is "incredibly disappointed"; she's also incredibly impotent. She and Speaker John Boehner failed to pass the Farm Bill in the House yesterday, primarily because one out of four House Republicans told Noem and Boehner to go jump…

South Dakota Moving to One-Year Residency for Teacher Training

The National Council on Teacher Quality issued an evaluation of teacher training programs this week. They said USD, DSU, and Northern do a pretty good job of training high school teachers but that, like most teacher training programs nationwide, our…