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Posts published in June 2013

State Agriculture Department Working on Tribal Economic Development

Here's one small sign reconciliation isn't dead in Pierre: South Dakota Agriculture Secretary Lucas Lentsch and Tribal Relations Secretary J.R. LaPlante are working together to help Lakota farmers and ranchers get a leg up in the market: Lentsch is excited…

Bosworth Too Busy Traveling to Answer Policy Questions

Exploratory Senate candidate Annette Bosworth is off gallivanting around the state to "have a conversation with South Dakota." Howard last week, the Black Hills last weekend, Madison Tuesday, Mitchell Wednesday, Brookings this p.m.... Dr. Bosworth says she's having "real discussions…

South Dakota Economic Development Chief Calls Texans Lazy

Our Governor Dennis Daugaard and Texas Governor Rick Perry both visited Connecticut this week to try luring gun manufacturers to relocate or expand their operations away from the tyranny and oppression of sensible and popular gun control laws. Knowing that…

Daugaard Pitches Gunmakers in Connecticut; South Dakotans Shoot Each Other

From the Unfortunate Juxtaposition Department, Governor Dennis Daugaard is away in Connecticut trying to convince gun manufacturers that South Dakota is a great place for guns. Meanwhile, South Dakota law enforcement scrambles to deal with gunslingers whom we shouldn't trust…

Brendan Johnson Adopts Social Media; GOP Web Spinster Sputters

Pat Powers predictably snarkificates on U.S. Attorney Brendan Johnson's opening of a Twitter account: ...isn’t raising his profile though the use of social media a political move for someone viewed by many Democrats as the future savior of the South…

Big Telecoms Lobby Thune with Tequila Cocktails

How does John Thune make his policy decisions? With tequila! A tequila cocktail called the "sugar daddy" was on the menu at a Wednesday night fundraiser for U.S. Sen. John Thune, R-South Dakota, and lobbyists for Verizon Wireless and AT&T…