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Posts published in June 2013

It’s Dairy Month! Hooray for Corporations and Robots!

It's Dairy Month in South Dakota, wherein we celebrate an industry in which the pro-corporate policies of Bill Janklow, M. Michael Rounds, and Dennis Daugaard have concentrated ownership in just 370 hands. (Once upon a time, South Dakota had 20,000…

Hagg Moves Powertech Mining Permit Hearing to Rapid City

The deck unstacks, just a little! After initially scheduling the hearing for Powertech's uranium mining permit in Pierre, Board of Minerals and Environment hearing chair Rexford Hagg has relocated the hearing to the Best Western Ramkota in Rapid City. The…

TransCanada Screams “Terrorist!” at American Opponents of Keystone XL

Regular readers know I don't go for conspiracy theories. But give me three instances of the powers that be portraying anti-Keystone XL activists as terrorists, and I can't help thinking we face an orchestrated corporate PR campaign. First public officials…

South Dakota Supreme Court Upholds Bigamy Prosecution

The South Dakota Supreme Court issued a ruling on bigamy yesterday. Yes, bigamy! Michael Clements and Kristi Anderson got married in North Dakota in 2009. Anderson filed for divorce on April 15, 2011. Then 38-year-old Clements and 18-year-old (warning! warning!)…

Bosworth Proves Obama Incentives for Electronic Health Records Work

I hate to call prospective (prospecting?) GOP Senate candidate Annette Bosworth a red-state moocher. I'm willing to embrace the idea that she became the first physician in South Dakota to meet new federal standards for the use of electronic health…

Ex-Pat: SD Won’t Sell Minnesotans on Low-Tax, Low-Service Culture

Even before Donald Pay broke the news that South Dakota may be angling for a nuclear waste dump, South Dakota ex-pat Joe Loveland wrote this funny, sharp rejection of Governor Dennis Daugaard's Minnesotan recruiting pitch. Loveland acknowledges the appeal of…