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Vandals Leave Tire Tracks in McCrory Gardens

My family and I enjoyed a visit to McCrory Gardens last week. Some jerk followed up with an unauthorized motorized visit in the rain this weekend:

Motorized vandalism at McCrory Gardens, posted  on McCrory Gardens Facebook page, 2013.07.15
Motorized vandalism at McCrory Gardens, posted on McCrory Gardens Facebook page, 2013.07.15

"It rained nearly 4 inches over the weekend and someone had the audacity to take their vehicle into the gardens and leave us this wonderful mess," says McCrory Gardens' Facebook post on this criminal act.

Really, motorheads? Brookings County is full of country roads and mud holes where you could go slop around in your car, and you have to grind your mark into a public treasure that is the product of lots of hard community work? Grrr: someone around Brookings deserves a swift kick in the pants.

If you have any leads on where to aim that kick, contact McCrory Gardens at 605.688.6707.


  1. Michael Black 2013.07.16

    Incidents like these ruin the Gardens for the rest of us. A fence will soon be put up restricting access.

  2. Joan 2013.07.16

    Hopefully they didn't damage the cottage. Wasn't it just a few years ago that they had to fence in the Japenese Gardens in SF, so that it could be locked at night, to keep vandals out?

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