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Bosworth Picks Logo, Launches Campaign Donation Website

Annette Bosworth finally has her campaign website up and running... sort of. As you might expect from her and her huckster husband/campaign Chad Haber, the first and currently only thing they have on is the beg button. The campaign domain forwards automatically to a page where you can give the Bosworth-Habers your credit card number (don't do it!).

The Bosworth campaign page also shows which campaign logo won her Facebook followers' preference:

Facebook logo ask

Crowdsourcing her logo design drew over a hundred comments, most of which sensibly rejected the foolish script designs (people need to read these sins from a distance, Annette) and focused on the bold sans-serif designs. #11 won, as it should, since it is the only design that makes the candidate's last name bolder than the rest of the text. Next up, policy by Facebook plebescite, à la B. Thomas Marking?

And in bonus campaign activity, candidate Bosworth sent her boys out yesterday to play with an assault rifle:

Haber assault rifle

My husband is holding a gun! Vote for me!