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EPA Doubles Amount of Monsanto Roundup Allowed on Crops

Hey, wait a minute: I thought the Environmental Protection Agency was faithfully helping us carry out Barack Obama's Marxist revolution by crushing big business. But this morning I read that the EPA has doubled the amount of glyphosate (Monsanto's Roundup herbicide) that we can have on our food crops. The EPA doesn't think Roundup causes cancer, but it acknowledges Roundup is hard on the lungs, kidneys, and reproductive system.

So why would the EPA up the contamination threshold?

The EPA increase in the allowable amount of Roundup is related to the fact that GMO farmers are finding superinsects and superweeds in their fields. They plant geneticially modified seeds that should produce crops that are hardwired to kill pests, but instead the pests are becoming immune to the pesticides. Meanwhile the “Roundup Ready” crops are being attacked by superweeds that are now resistant to Roundup.

“Every year it will get worse,” said Tracy Franck, an Iowa farmer, to the Cedar Rapids-based Gazzette [sic]. “[We] are putting on more Roundup every year to kill the same amount of weeds” [Sarah Rae Fruchtnicht, "EPA Raises the Level of Monsanto Herbicide Allowed in American Crops," Opposing Views, 2013.07.24].

Sounds like even the Obama EPA is more interested in protecting Monsanto's business environment than our eating environment.


  1. WayneB 2013.07.26

    Seems self-evident to me the answer is not to spray more chemicals, but to rotate your crops. Planting Corn on Corn on Corn is going to give cornbores and cutworms plenty of opportunities. A year of wheat and a year of beans is going to make it tougher.

  2. leisahblue 2013.07.26

    What makes me crazy is how these companies take our good old fashioned organic methods, (tobacco dust, pyrethrins, Bt) and supersize them so they become toxic chemicals. Then our good old fashioned organic solutions stop working because the bugs become immune. I bet they could find a way to screw up crop rotation too.

  3. Winston 2013.07.26

    It isn't Obama's second term rather its Reagan's ninth term.....

  4. Taunia 2013.07.27

    Obama dropped the ball signing the Monsanto Protection Act. However, you needn't look much past your own backyard for where part of the research came from into how to kill off people because the food supply is abnormal and poisonous.

    "Monsanto’s board members have worked for the EPA, advised the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and served on President Obama’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. They presided over multiple universities in various senior positions, including South Dakota State University (with whom Monsanto has a significant research agreement)..."

  5. interested party 2013.10.30

    Sen. Tester crushed the Monsanto Protection Act over the objections of don Juan Thune.

    "In a study published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, the researchers tested Roundup on human’s cells and they found that one of the “insert” ingredients used as surfactant in Roundup called “polyethoxylated tallowamine, or POEA”, can significantly increase the toxic effect of “glyphosate.""

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