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Rhoden Takes Norquist No-New-Income-Tax Pledge

Freshly declared Republican U.S. Senate candidate Larry Rhoden has his campaign website up (just one week in—faster than Weiland!). He also has his first shot at GOP opponent M. Michael Rounds on the record. According to Bob Mercer, Rep. Rhoden has finally gotten around to signing Grover Norquist's no-new-taxes pledge. He hadn't signed that pledge as a member of the South Dakota Legislature, but he now promises us and all America that as Senator, he will

  1. oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and
  2. oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates [Americans for Tax Reform, Taxpayer Protection Pledge for U.S. Senate candidates, downloaded 2013.07.16].

Neither Rhoden nor Rounds will get my vote next November, but Rounds's willingness to tell Grover Norquist to jump in a lake is one of the few reasons I might say something nice about Smiling Mike. I appreciate Rounds's pragmatism. A pledge never to increase income taxes needlessly throws away a policy tool that we might need to solve unforeseen problems.

I'd rather see Rhoden and his fellow primary contenders challenge Rounds on his sloppy management of South Dakota's finances. Alas, that critique is more complicated than shouting, "I signed Grover's pledge, and Mike didn't!"

Rhoden's no-income-tax-hike pledge does dent the RINO-heat-shield theory that he might just be running interference for Rounds. His first post-announcement publicity act is a clear shot at Battleship Rounds. But note that it's a shot that only weakens Rounds in a primary, not in the general. No Democrat is going to criticize Rounds for not signing the Norquist pledge. So barring a fiscally conservative Independent on the November ballot (Annette? Stace? Care to surprise us?), the expiration date on the Norquist pledge attack is June 3, 2014.


  1. Rick 2013.07.16

    Rhoden was Rounds' "lead mule" when Gov. Rounds wanted his bloated budgets passed, which led to leaving behind a big debt for Dennis Daugaard.

    Seeing the light in 2014 with a cheap gimmick like Grover Norquist's hackneyed tax pledge comes far, far too late for Larry Rhoden. His record as a legislative leader, urging his fellow Republicans to pass one budget buster after the other rings much more true than a desperate pledge.

    Rhoden's going to look silly in a debate when Rounds thanks him for passing his bloated budgets.

  2. Owen Reitzel 2013.07.16

    Plus Norquist is a lobbyist. he has never held an elective office. Should anybody be signing anything from him, even if you agree with him?

  3. Bree S. 2013.07.16

    The Taxpayer Protection Pledge consists entirely of the two points Cory listed above. Norquist is not mentioned in the Pledge, and so the typical and predictable Norquist character attacks are entirely irrelevent to arguments for or against the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.

  4. interested party 2013.07.16

    Norquist is a shill for the Kochtupus: curious whether their minions will sign the earth haters' pledge, too.

  5. Bree S. 2013.07.16

    The Koch's and Norquist are all libertarian, and that's all the connection I see. Norquist has been around and involved in politics a lot longer than the Koch's - who were happily minding their own business when the liberal media thrust them into the spotlight and created their political machine. Thank you liberal media for making the Koch Brothers a famous political force - your foresight never ceases to amaze.

  6. interested party 2013.07.16

    Fred Koch help orchestrate the Kennedy assassination: best democracy money can buy.

  7. Owen Reitzel 2013.07.16

    "The Taxpayer Protection Pledge consists entirely of the two points Cory listed above. Norquist is not mentioned in the Pledge, and so the typical and predictable Norquist character attacks are entirely irrelevent to arguments for or against the Taxpayer Protection Pledge."

    But it came from Norquist, even if it doesn't mentioned his name Bree. Should anybody sign a pledge that came from someone who is not elected?

  8. Bree S. 2013.07.16

    Keep your asinine argument if you want it, Owen.

  9. interested party 2013.07.16

    Owen knows the pledge is a joke as everyone who signs it does: it's a vehicle for dark money.

  10. interested party 2013.07.16

    Rhoden needs the money or he wouldn't have exposed himself.

  11. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.07.16

    Hey, Bree, ease up. It is not asinine to speak of this pledge and Grover Norquist together, or to refer to a signer of this pledge as doing Grover Norquist's bidding. Norquist founded Americans for Tax Reform; he is the face and voice of the pledge.

  12. Bree S. 2013.07.16

    It's a vehicle for dark money? Lol. Please explain Larry how a simple pledge to not raise net income taxes can possibly increase the "dark money" flow.

  13. Owen Reitzel 2013.07.16

    Bree I would hope a politician I support could think for themselves and not blindly follow some lobbyist or tie themselves to a pledge.
    Doing that is asinine

  14. interested party 2013.07.16

    Sign the pledge, get money from the Kochtopus for your election: it's just that simple. Google on your own time, not mine.

  15. Bree S. 2013.07.16

    If the Taxpayer Protection Pledge stated "the signor must do the bidding of Grover Norquist" I would buy that argument.

  16. Rick 2013.07.16

    Cory, in the grown up world, nobody's going to separate Norquist from the pledge he so very famously originated and enforced to hold Republicans in line, and which he so famously appeared on countless TV news shows to promote. It was a major feature in the Tea Party movement, whose identity is inseparable (by design) with the Republican Party both here in South Dakota and in 49 other states and American territories.

    Larry Rhoden is a nice, personable guy. This is just a gimmick to step away from his otherwise years long, epoxy relationship with the Rounds big spender legacy. Once a lead mule, always a lead mule.

  17. interested party 2013.07.16

    What eludes me is why right-wing christians buy into the Koch/Norquist ruse: jesus was prosecuted for throwing the money-changers out of the temple. It was an act of sedition for which he was crucified and Mormons take welfare because they say it bleeds the beast.

  18. Bree S. 2013.07.16

    Considering the Pledge consists of two sentences written in basic English I'm pretty sure any politician can read it, comprehend it, and decide whether or not they want to sign it based on whether or not they agree with it. I will support the politicians who sign it based on alignment of fiscal values and you will support politicians who don't. I comprehend that social democrats want to raise income taxes and therefore despise the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.. but your argument against the Pledge is illogical and asinine. If p then q, If r then s, therefore z only works in your own head.

  19. interested party 2013.07.16

    That explains the whole RINO Mike movement: astroturfing #sdsen one RWNJ at a time.

  20. interested party 2013.07.16

    Speaking of retaliation for not signing the Norquist Pledge to Protect the 1% a Bachmann aide was arrested recently.

  21. Owen Reitzel 2013.07.16

    The only thing social democrats want Bree is to make the rich pay there fair share of the taxes. To make corporations, since they are people, pay their fair share of taxes and not hide them overseas. The only thing democrats are guilty of is actually caring about ALL the people and not just the chosen few.
    And tying ones hands to a stupid pledge is not smart. And being for that Bree is asinine!

  22. Les 2013.07.16

    "" The only thing democrats are guilty of is actually caring about ALL the people and not just the chosen few.""

    Now that is an asinine statement if I've ever heard one. Alice will be back in an hour Owen.

  23. interested party 2013.07.16

    Democrats=safe, Republicans=cheap: perhaps you heard it in your head, les rather than reading off your electronic device.

  24. Douglas Wiken 2013.07.16

    Bree is either intentionally ignorant, innocently ignorant, intentionally deceptive or unaware she herself has been deceived.

    The Norquist pledge is accompanied with funding if accepted, and guaranteed well-funded primary opposition if a signer violates the pledge. Citizens United case opened the floodgates for black money;ie, money that has no published source. The fundamental question related to the idiots who sign the pledge is "Who do you represent, the people in your state or legislative district, or Grover Norquist's associated special interests and funders.

    Koch Brothers funded 50 organizers for a year or more to generate all the grass-roots TEA Party ignorant opposition to medical coverage which would benefit them. It is astroturf for idiots.

    Bree may fully know what a fraud this is, but if she isn't a knowing shill, she is harming herself and family by supporting Norquist and Koch and associated petrochemical interests and polluting industries.

  25. Les 2013.07.16

    "Honest Johns Used Car Sales" Larry. Kind of like Dems caring for ALL people. Get over it Larry, there isn't one of either party in DC that hasn't been bought and paid for in many different ways. Still bought and paid for.
    If Stace gets to DC, they'll break both of his legs just to get him to settle down while they put the Portland shoes on him for his final baptism.

  26. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.07.16

    Dang it, Bree, talking Norquist is neither illogical nor asinine. Norquist created and promotes this pledge for specific ideological reasons, It is worthwhile to consider his motivations, funders, etc. It is not unreasonable to associate signers of this pledge with Norquist's agenda.

  27. Owen Reitzel 2013.07.16

    "Now that is an asinine statement if I've ever heard one. Alice will be back in an hour Owen."

    Really Les? You think the Republicans give a rip about anybody but the rich? Especially the Tea Party?

    I think we set the world record for the use of the word "asinine"

  28. Les 2013.07.16

    Owen, read my lips.." there isn't one of either party in DC that hasn't been bought and paid for". And stop with all that TP nonsense Owen, your thought design and literary ability has to be better than that!
    "I think we set the world record for the use of the word "asinine". Yep, and I think we had fun doing it Owen!

  29. interested party 2013.07.17

    So, Les: since both parties are corrupt, why not leave the Dark Side?

  30. interested party 2013.07.17

    Go over and tell Pat how corrupt the Daugaard administration is, how Rep. Noem only cares about her JUVEDERM treatments, and how Sen. Thune is a tool of the Koch's: see if your comments stay posted.

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