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Powers Brings Hypocrisy to KSOO Website

Hypocrisy must be the hot new buzzword in Results Radio's business model. They've invited Pat Powers to write a weekly column for KSOO Radio. Says Powers: could say that my brand of conservatism is one of fairness, individualism, opportunity, and not looking for government to step in and fill the voids in your life... [Pat Powers, "Driving in the Right Lane of the Road, Not on the Shoulder, or the Ditch," KSOO Radio, 2013.09.09].

Fairness... until it's time to delete opposing viewpoints from the comment section of his blog...

Individualism... as long as you conform to the Republican Chamber of Commerce way of voting, speaking, dressing, celebrating....

Opportunity... including the opportunity to profit from political activity while working in the Secretary of State's office... but not the opportunity for all citizens to make a public commitment and enjoy legal benefits and protections of marriage... or the opportunity for women to make their own medical decisions and choose their own sources of medical information... or just the opportunity to grow your own food.

Not looking for government to step in... unless you are a big business in a big town looking for an economic development handout.

With hypocrisy like that, KSOO must be angling to make its call letters a new Internet meme: Kick Sane Opinions Out!


  1. interested party 2013.09.09

    Funny. AM radio listeners are old white christians: perfect for PP to sell his catholic, corporatist rants.

  2. Owen Reitzel 2013.09.09

    Is KSOO offering somebody a weekly column from the liberal point of view? I bet not. Unless its M. Mike Rounds maybe. (sarcasm)

  3. interested party 2013.09.09

    Honestly? I feel sorry for Pat: he doesn't have a pot or window struggling to sustain his herd of kids with health problems caused by his benefactors' chemical attacks on foodstuffs.

  4. Porter Lansing 2013.09.09

    DITCH??? It was the Republicans that drove this economy into the ditch; won't lift a darn finger to help us get it out and now want the keys again after such a short time. Wouldn't be prudent, Marion. A vote for Democrats is a vote for honesty in the third most corrupt political state in USA.

  5. Rorschach 2013.09.09

    "not looking for government to step in and fill the voids in your life..."

    Remind me. How many times has Mr. Powers returned to the state government payroll after his first stint? At least twice I think. I believe his wife has been in several government jobs and still is on a government payroll. Seems like government has put food on his table for many, many years - amply filling that void in his family's bellies and making up for a general lack of good prospects (opportunity) for the Powers family in the private sector.

  6. Billy 2013.09.09

    "When you need a schmoe, it's good to know, eleven-four-0"

  7. Dave 2013.09.09

    Decided to take a minute from my lunch break and read Powers' column. Wish I had that minute back.

  8. Jana 2013.09.09

    Just out of curiosity, how much of Mr. Powers life has been funded by taxpayers to one degree or the other?

  9. Jenny 2013.09.09

    Pat Powers deleted my question to him on his blog on what his views on gay marriage were.

  10. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.09.09

    There you go again, Jenny, being all individualistic and looking for an opportunity to ask a fair question.

  11. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.09.10

    Joan, I'm in no position to make an issue of any person's principled service to government. Public service is a worthy calling. You are right that Pat, having enjoyed a standard living largely supported by public paychecks, should be more willing to acknowledge the value of government.

  12. Douglas Wiken 2013.09.10

    Consider also Bill Janklow, star crusader against big government, sucking a federal or state teat for most of his life.

  13. Followed your local food link to the April post about Dakota Rural Action.

    Hold my computer while I laugh my ass off. I love how some conservatives can twist people wanting chickens and eggs on their town property is somehow wanting a big government state.

    Say what?!

  14. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.09.11

    For the record, Pat claims 15 years in state government his résumé.

    Tasi, exactly. Raising food on your own property fits nicely with traditional conservative ideals of property rights and self-sufficiency. But political blinders and orthodoxy keep Pat from admitting that.

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