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Support the Madville Times: Ring the Tip Jar! Buy an Ad!

I blog for love, not money. Love of learning, love of writing, love of civic conversation, and love of South Dakota.

But money doesn't hurt! If you like the Madville Times, why not ring the tip jar (yes, click that image to the left, or the same image in the right sidebar!) and send a little money to keep the server humming and show how much you appreciate good South Dakota blogging?

What does the Madville Times add to your day?

  1. The Madville Times brought you the first solid numbers from the push-fishing poll against Mike Rounds conducted by Public Policy Polling last June.
  2. I got past the rumors and brought you the documentary proof of Shantel Krebs's campaign to oust Secretary of State Jason Gant, a campaign that forced Gant to become the first South Dakota Secretary of State not to seek a second term.
  3. Speaking of Gant, I wrote up Mayor Mike Huether's self-serving and cowardly dodge of joining in moral opposition to the SDPAA's voter-intimidation efforts against the successful Indian plaintiffs in Brooks v. Gant.
  4. I'm the only blogger telling the story of the feds' threatened closure of the D.C. Booth Hatchery in Spearfish and helping you recognize which of your elected officials are speaking up in favor of this local gem and which aren't as helpful (remember next November!).
  5. Speaking of Spearfish, I opened my liberal doors to conservative and 2008 GOP Senate candidate Sam Kephart a seven-part series giving his in-depth analysis of Republican politics in South Dakota.
  6. For you local newsers, I posted the first press coverage of the anti-free-market Tax Increment Finance District #2 proposed in Madison.
  7. Oh yeah, and by adding new contributing author Toby Uecker, I'm doubling the blog brainpower (maybe more than doubling, some would argue!).

And all that has been in just the last month. The Madville Times has been bringing you thoughtful, well-researched posts and speaking truth to the South Dakota powers for eight years. If you appreciate that quality, I invite you to click that tip jar.

And heck, if you'd like even more in return, ask me about advertising. For just $50 a month, you can join the Rutland School District and Senator Stan Adelstein in getting your message out to the most interesting and real readers in the South Dakota blogosphere.

Readers, your most important contributions are your time, your attention, and your thoughts shared in the comment section. Thank you for all that support.

Your financial contributions will also help keep this blog kicking. Send your tips, submit your ads, and you can help support South Dakota's best political blog.


  1. grudznick 2013.09.16

    What if I bought an ad that said simply "SIBBY (promoted by grudznick)"

  2. John Hess 2013.09.17

    You've got a tough job. This article says we are hard-wired to cling to our beliefs and not be logical even in the face of opposing facts.

    But that wouldn't happen on this blog, would it? Maybe I'm wrong, but Madville Times seems more open to thoughtful, opposing viewpoints than SD War College. Their comment section feels like a den of vipers.

    The links are pretty interesting, one on Opening the Political Mind.

  3. Roger Cornelius 2013.09.18

    Will put you on my October "to do list".

  4. larry kurtz 2014.09.24

    Hit it, people or face my wrath.

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