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Nelson Attacks Rounds Record with Democratic Critique

GOP Senate candidate Rep. Stacey Victor Nelson (R-19/Fulton) makes his case against Marion Michael Rounds by pointing to arguments lodged against the former governor by (gasp!) Democrats. Candidate Nelson tweeted last night that Rounds ran scared from accepting Nelson's State Fair debate challenge because he's afraid to defend his record. Nelson then linked to the critique the South Dakota Democratic Party issued to welcome Rounds's official campaign launch last November. Among the points of criticism:

  • A rather unconservative 53% increase in state spending and 1500-person increase in state employees under Rounds's governorship;
  • Seven out of eight budgets in deficit;
  • No-bid contracts, crony politics, and corporate welfare;
  • Higher college tuition and student debt;
  • Increasing poverty;
  • Overall lack of vision.

Team Rounds's prime advocate in the blogosphere, Dakota War College, studiously avoids discussing the policy details that would support or refute that critique. Never mind that much of what we Dems point out about Rounds's record (deficits, more spending, poverty, cronyism) should roil Republicans as well. Instead, DWC throws up a predictable smokescreen:

  1. Nelson's citing Democrats.
  2. Democrats are always wrong.
  3. Nelson is wrong.

Nelson responds that he's proud to serve Democrats, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, and Republicans, meaning that for him, the source is less important than the truth. But DWC's Pat Powers turns even that response back to his personality-driven drivel: wheezing surprise that a Republican would cite Democrats, Powers sniffs, "Don't point that out. Or you might get tweeted at."

Yes, indeed, how dare any Republican disagree with Pat Powers. The nerve!

Of course Dakota War College and Team Rounds want to talk personality. Marion Michael Rounds has a charming personality. He'll shake your hand, give you a smile, salute the troops, and quote your boat.

And once he gives you that smile, he wants you to keep wanting that warm feeling. He wants you to reject any inquiry into his actual policy record as mean-spirited lies and propaganda borrowed from evil enemies. Deficit? What deficit? Stop thinking so hard, remember the smile, and don't listen to those grouchy mean people with all their numbers and facts. We're having a beauty contest, not a serious discussion!

Stace, I'm still not voting for you. I still can't encourage Dems to launch Operation Chaos 2 to re-register and vote for you in the primary.

But Stace, keep banging the drum on Rounds's failure and fakery. Make him and his mouthpieces answer. Go get 'em!


  1. Robin Page 2013.09.03

    Good article! How about posting some of those statistics you mentioned? Yearly deficits. $ to Corporate friends, etc. Then we can all share them.

  2. Rorschach 2013.09.03

    As governor, Mike Rounds was the caretaker in chief. I really can't think of anything he accomplished that wouldn't have happened anyway regardless of who had been governor for those 8 years. About all I can come up with that he made happen was a new mansion for the governor to live in and a new airplane for the governor to fly around in. Gubernatorial perks don't do anything for the folks who pay for them.

    Can anybody name anything that Rounds accomplished for the good of the state that wouldn't have happened anyway?

  3. Kal Lis 2013.09.03

    "Can anybody name anything that Rounds accomplished for the good of the state that wouldn't have happened anyway?"

    I certainly can't. I suppose Rounds can use that fact to his advantage. We could have had a Howie/Ellis person in the governor's chair, so things might have been worse.

  4. Rick 2013.09.03

    Facts are facts, as long as they are stated accurately. The stats Stace cited are verifiable with credible, nonpartisan sources. His primary opponent can't run on a record of accomplishment, unless writing and passing record budgets and leaving the state in millions of debt is now seen as an accomplishment.

    Nelson's a powerful orator and he's in public service to do what he thinks will make a difference for regular folks. We may disagree with some of his views, but you've got to appreciate seeing what a real, fireball, prairie populist looks like and sounds like.

    It's about time South Dakota politics had some sizzle. Watch Rounds fizzle.

  5. Chris Francis 2013.09.03

    I'm not a fan of Rounds and a majority of his policies, but he is given a great bit of credit from the Sanford Underground Research Facility, as he was able to resurrect the then dead negotiations with Wharf, which was hung up on then unsolvable insurance issues, and had resulted in the water pumps being turned off and the facility being flooded. End result, they have a several hundred page insurance policy orchestrated by then Governor Rounds, which allows the lab to essentially exist and produce the science that is changing the world, so credit, and some respect, to him on that effort. Will this be his legacy in 50 years time, I'd hedge to think probably.

  6. Chris Francis 2013.09.03

    I say 'insurance' perhaps a bit loosely, what Rounds created was a legally complete and and yes, redundant to an extreme, liability waiver for all those entering the Sanford facility, which basically removes all responsibility for Wharf for injuries, death, and otherwise abduction via the Silurians. ;)

  7. Jerry 2013.09.03

    It all goes back to a quote on your boat Mr. Francis, that is delivered with a knowing smile. I about fell off the chair laughing at that more or less quote. From this moment on, that is how I will picture Marion, not as a serious politico, but strictly as a boat insurance peddler, out for a buck.

  8. Wayne B 2013.09.03

    Point of Inquiry.

    Cory, will you be able to vote for any candidate?

  9. interested party 2013.09.03

    Stace is missing the Catholic connection to the theft of Native children sold on the DSS market: Rounds could be linked to a history of legal child trafficking with little effort.

  10. Rorschach 2013.09.03

    That's a nice canal built near Marion's river side home. Did federal stimulus funds build that? And hey! Nobody ever answered me whether M. Michael Rounds developed that west river swampland/taxpayer bailout haven known as Marion's Gardens. Maybe the insurance salesman was shifting more than just Wharf's liability to taxpayers.

  11. BlackHills76 2013.09.03

    I am planning on changing my registration for the primary since it is likely we won't even have a Democratic one out in my area. True, Stace is very conservative, but you know exactly where he stands even if you disagree with some of his positions. I honestly believe he cares about everyone in SD and will stand up for the people before special interests and corporations. There is such a high probability that this seat will go GOP I would rather have someone in there that cares about the average SD citizen and will work his heart out for us. Stace's heart is in the right place even if I might disagree with some of his social positions.

  12. mike 2013.09.04

    I could handle Stace as a US Senator but not the self righteous people like Daniel Willard he would take to DC with him. Stace needs better people around him and he needs to stop alienating everyone who disagrees with him.

  13. Stace Nelson 2013.09.04

    Mr Powers forgets, no one owns the facts. Republicans across SD should be ashamed that a Republican has such a dismal Un-Republican record. If Mr. Rounds was an actual Conservative Republican, I would not be in this race.

    @Mark, I am proud to say that Dan Willard is my friend. I also hold others, such as our host, in equal high regard & friendship. Dan is a kind, soft spoken man, who has paid a terrible price for the freedoms that we all enjoy. If anyone thinks the prosecution of him was anything less than an orchestrated political attack by establishment politicians, I have ocean front property for sale in Hanson County.

    @Mark Please tell me how I have alienated anyone? I am the most available elected official in SD. I actively review the hot topics South Dakotans are concerned with in the various media, and I attempt to let folks know my position on key issues so they may engage me with their thoughts on the matter. Granted, I do not ride both sides of the fence or give typical patronizing platitudes to assuage the masses; however, such disingenuousness is the exact reason our country finds itself in mess we can all agree that it is in.

  14. Steve Hickey 2013.09.04

    " I am the most available elected official in SD"


  15. interested party 2013.09.04

    'Available,' Steve: as in looking for a hook-up. Are you any less prone to such behavior?

  16. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.09.04

    Easy, Larry... but if we're talking about availability, aren't Jenna Haggar and Jason Frerichs the only single members of the Legislature? Any others?

  17. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.09.04

    Wayne, yes: while traveling for Erin's studies, I intend to keep my voter registration in South Dakota.

  18. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.09.04

    Mike, if Stace wins the Senate seat, I will apply to be his chief of staff. I'll be the guy who reminds him not to alienate the people who disagree with him. But hmm... do you think he'll need me sooner than that? Stace, where do I apply? :-)

  19. grudznick 2013.09.04

    Who's that young man always following Ms. Haggar around? Not the young bald guy, the younger not bald guy.

  20. Jana 2013.09.04

    Grud, you could ask PP but it seems he's having problems with his site. Funny how Karma is a bitch considering the childish taunting he gave Cory for his server issues.

    But then, that's what we have grown to expect from the GOP...ignore the log in their eye...

    I'm sure PP will man up and extend an apology to Cory...not.

  21. Jana 2013.09.04

    Oh my goodness...where or what gutter is Pastor Steve's mind in now.

    Of course, the current thought is that the junior high clique that runs the GOP will attack anyone who challenges the "Mean Girls," so Pastor Steve is just trying to make sure he is still with the cool kids.

  22. Steve Hickey 2013.09.05

    Jana- IP is the one who brought this to the gutter. My huh was a head scratch at the comment that the rest of us in Pierre aren't as accessible to the public as Rep Nelson. Get a clue Jana.

  23. Mike 2013.09.05

    Like, get a clue! Ohmygawd Jana!

  24. interested party 2013.09.05

    The gutter was constructed before Bill Janklow was Attorney General; now it's a trough. Mine was hardly the first stone cast: sinners wear The Collar just as Marines wear their hearts on their sleeves.

  25. interested party 2013.09.05

    Nobody is single in Pierre, Cory: it's an orgy of biblical proportions.

  26. Bill Dithmer 2013.09.05

    The GOP tent is big in South Dakota but???? If you don't toe the line, pray to the right god, well that will do for a start. It looks like some of these people will just have to stand outside in the rain if they want to be a part of it.

    I for one am having fun with all the love the party in power is showing for its own people. It's to bad but the actual voters in this state don't even care about what is happening within the GOP they just know that if they vote a straight ticket everything will be the same as it was before.

    " I am the most available elected official in SD"

    Really? Available for what?

    I recently asked Brother Howie a question on his Wrong side blog and he danced around the question like it was a burning coal. Maybe you could answer for him because you are "available."

    Equalization Means Higher Taxes

    “If government officials really want tax “fairness”, they would reduce taxes and stop continued government growth.” Gordon Howie

    More people all the time, what does it mean?

    More needs, infrastructure, education, reliable medical services for everyone, and a fair business climate that works for everyone not just those that are rich.

    Gordon, how do you propose that we make up the difference when taxes are cut when the needs of the people continue to rise? the difference has to come from somewhere doesn’t it?

    The Blindman

    Gordon Howie "For starters, I am willing to do without this $1.6 million dollar tax increase."

    Ok lets try it again. You don’t seem to be interested in answering a simple question but it deserves to be answered so how about it. Talking about bumper stickers makes for some fun topics but it doesn’t feed the bulldog.

    Gordon "Howdy Dowdy Howie"I support the SD Republican Party platform… “The South Dakota Republican Party believes the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations. The best government is that which governs least.”
    5.2 “The South Dakota Republican Party supports the continued review and reduction of federal, state and local taxation to protect the long-term economic viability of all people of South Dakota.”

    “making up the difference” is a great bumper sticker for increasing taxes, but government on every level is bloated and needs to be reduced.

    I made one more post and then, dead silence. Not only that but he deleted my post. So much for Gordon Howies international "take on all comers' media."

    So I'm going to ask you the same question.

    Steve Hickey, More people all the time, what does it mean?

    More needs, infrastructure, education, reliable medical services for everyone, and a fair business climate that works for everyone not just those that are rich.

    Rev Steve, how do you propose that we make up the difference when taxes are cut when the needs of the people continue to rise? the difference has to come from somewhere doesn’t it?

    It's a Marley morning here on Pass Creek. I think this song is appropriate for the SD GOP.

    Just imagine The Blindman in dreadlocks.

  27. Steve Hickey 2013.09.05

    Lots of places to cut but they aren't substantial. Tougher financial times are coming to America and as a highly subsidized state we need a comprehensive review of how to wean ourselves off Federal dollars so we can better weather the long economic winter that is coming. A 20% reduction in Federal funding will put our state back in the Stone Age according to one of our experts in Pierre. SD is presently enjoying increases and people who say we are in a recovery need to look past our state and national borders at the state of the economy. In my estimation, and I know the ag community rejects this, we are not fairly taxing ag land. Because of this, businesses and the rest of us are carrying the heavier load. I supported, for example, Sen Novstrups bill last session which I've said is the best option we have to a significant ongoing funding increase for SD schools. Apart from that we are at a standstill.

  28. Bill Dithmer 2013.09.06

    Steve you answered the question that you wanted to answer not the one I asked. Now as to taxes , how about taxing churches? that would bring in money that could be used for something.

    The Blindman

  29. interested party 2013.09.06

    GMO hemp ain't the answer yet the insane Rand Paul wing of Steve's party is all for it: sex with a condom by any other description.

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