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ACA Fully Enacted, Exchanges Operating, Lawrence Still Selling Thin Health Insurance

In a September 30 video interview with Gordon Howie, South Dakota Republican Party chairman Criag Lawrence said that the Affordable Care Act would put his health insurance company, Lands Health, out of business.

At 3:06, Lawrence says "We're going to be out of business October 1."

Today is October 9. Lands Health's website is still up and advertising services. Call Lands Health at 866-795-8900, and you'll get to speak to an employee of Craig Lawrence who apparently still has a job and can still sell you insurance...

...not that you'll want it, because Lands Health policies exclude pre-existing conditions, maternity and newborn care, mental health, or rehabilitative care. Those limitations prevent Lawrence's policies from making the grade as qualifying policies under the Affordable Care Act.

But hey, at least Lawrence was wrong about being forced out of business.


  1. vikingobsessed 2013.10.09

    Thanks for following up on this! As usual, there is a grain of truth (the ACA started Oct. 1st), but the date is the only thing they got right! And, sadly, no real media will call them out on their BS.

  2. Donald Pay 2013.10.09

    Sad. This insurance ought to die.

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